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Sports writers and drinking

Discussion in 'Journalism topics only' started by Your Huckleberry, Sep 7, 2007.


As a sports writer do you consume alcohol and on what basis

  1. yes, regulary

    68 vote(s)
  2. not a lot but sometimes

    44 vote(s)
  3. like a fish

    14 vote(s)
  4. seldom

    38 vote(s)
  5. never

    27 vote(s)
  6. I think i need a drink before I answer this poll

    9 vote(s)
  1. Gold

    Gold Active Member

    I seldom drink - maybe once or twice a month and never more than one beer or one glass of wine. I never really had a taste for the stuff, and I would rather have a really good milk shake or malted milk shake. Sugar is my weakness
  2. GuessWho

    GuessWho Active Member

    ditto ditto ditto. I've probably had two beers over the past year. In the early days, it was two beers every 10 minutes.
  3. Hustle

    Hustle Guest

    It's a personal choice for everyone. I respect those that don't, for whatever reason, and I'm glad that they seem to feel likewise.

    I drink a fair amount. Always have. Never really any set pattern; when I feel like having a beer, I'll have one or four and I'm good. I'll have wine from time to time, and a straight scotch on rare occasions, usually celebrations.

    My wife and I joke that we're just keeping our liver up to speed with her parents. Whenever we go visit, the conversation at dinner always winds up the same: "Hustle, can we get you a drink?" "Hustle, can we get you a drink?" "Hustle, can we get you a drink?" "Hey guys, can I pay for this?" "No, put that away. You want a drink?"

    Sandman, I go to a fair amount of Redskins games and have never been offered a beer. Strange that Snyder would be so unconcerned with the media...
  4. BillyT

    BillyT Active Member

    We went out virtually every Friday and every Saturday and closed up the local bar (2 a.m.). We'd usually ger there between midnight and 12:30 a.m., and make up for lost time.

    A couple of folks will remember that a bit more than 25 years ago, there was a newspaper in New England which was family owned. One of the sons was an editor. One of the other sons owned the bar that was actually in the corner of the building. A lot of paychecks never left that building. ;)

    The family no longer owns the paper, but it might own the bar, I am unsure.

    In reference to another thread, yes there were often coaches in the bar we went to. We did talk at times, but I think everyone understood their roles.
  5. Most people are shocked at how little I drink. I bought a 12-pack last November during the holidays, drank two during the Super Bowl, and gave the other 10 away to friends over time. I did drink three or four on Saint Patrick's day in March.

    I can't say I don't drink because that would be a lie, but I can honestly say that I drink about 10 beers a year.
  6. Angola!

    Angola! Guest

    Like a fish.
    Of course, now that I am nearing 30 my body is not responding as well and I should probably slow down - though that is easier said than done.

    And to answer the comment about all sports writers drinking, I have actually never met one that didn't drink. I know some that only have alcohol on occasion, but I have never met a sports writer that never drinks.
  7. Classic Post. I can see it all, J.J. included: "DYNO-MYTE"!!!!!!
  8. PhilaYank36

    PhilaYank36 Guest

    You mean the Sheriff didn't make you fall off the wagon? Very impressive.

    As for me, I don't really drink that much at all. I think the last time I got blitzed was last July. It's not because I'm against drinking, but I don't have the money to go out often, I don't feel like driving home drunk (25 years old and never did it once, thank you very much) and I'm a very health-conscious person, and last I checked, booze isn't on any PED lists anywhere.
  9. patchs

    patchs Active Member

    Having kids will curtail it.
    I never drank that much with work people, more with my friends.
    I'm in news now but I help sports with HS football, so we'll go out after for a couple.
    Nothing too crazy.
    I think age and maturity helps.
  10. I've covered a lot of different sports in my life, seen a lot of pressboxes -- professional and college with coolers of beer available. Seen it at pro boxing, too. But I've never covered NASCAR and to read that post is utterly shocking. I had no idea. Cases of Beer under their arms? Cartons of cigarettes????

    That's embarrassing to be offered such. And anyone who would accept such payola is an embarrassment to this profession.
  11. Mizzougrad96

    Mizzougrad96 Active Member

    I walked into the media room in Daytona a couple years ago and by every work area, there was a notepad, a couple pens, a folder for releases and two packs of cigarettes...
  12. cougargirl

    cougargirl Active Member

    Age will curtail it, as well. I can't drink at 30 the way I did at 20. I've definitely tapered off and limited it to microbrews. Plus, I've found that if I drink too late at night, I wake up the next morning not only with a dull headache but with killer sinus pain and drippage. Not comfortable at all.
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