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Sportspages.com -- Anybody still care?

Discussion in 'Journalism topics only' started by RichJohnson, Oct 29, 2006.

  1. PopeDirkBenedict

    PopeDirkBenedict Active Member

    But if you know who "your guys" are and they write on a daily newspaper website, there is a good chance they have an RSS feed and you can do the same thing for free. I have Poz/Whitlock (among others) in my Bloglines feed and I accomplish the same purpose for free. Between having a good selection in my Bloglines and SportsJournalists.com, I don't really have a need for sportspages.
  2. 21

    21 Well-Known Member

    I don't have an RSS feed, I have a dog that sleeps on my feet while I lay on the couch with my laptop.

    By 'your guys' I just meant the people you want to read every day. I almost never take the time to click around the sports universe to see who wrote for which day....and I don't want 15 separate emails a day from different papers. I want one subscription to a service that does the work for me, so I can stay on the couch and not disturb the dog.
  3. PopeDirkBenedict

    PopeDirkBenedict Active Member


    That is the beauty of Bloglines. It's a website -- no e-mails -- that keeps all of the updated links in one place and knows which ones you have looked at. If you have your favorites that you like to read, just put their newspaper websites into Bloglines and let it do the work.
  4. 21

    21 Well-Known Member

    I'm going to check this out, but only because you called me babe. 8)
  5. Ledbetter

    Ledbetter Active Member

    You can go it through Google news, too. It will e-mail you stories with a specific name in them.

    And does anyone know what garberated means?
  6. spnited

    spnited Active Member

    I hit SP every day but only for what I don't have to pay for...like the links to almost every paper in the country.
  7. friend of the friendless

    friend of the friendless Active Member

    Sirs, Madames,

    In a perfect world, the sites merge.

    In a somewhat less perfect world, they co-exist and promote.

    YHS, etc
  8. Bubbler

    Bubbler Well-Known Member

    I used to hit SP every day. Now ... not so much.

    The links to the websites are helpful, but it's more a reference tool than anything else.
  9. HoopsMcCann

    HoopsMcCann Active Member

    i used to check out top 10 every day.

    then one day i was on desk and had to put a headline on the worst goddamn column i'd ever read. had no idea, so just put some general bullshit headline on there. next dayit turns up on top 10. didn't care from that point on.
  10. Smasher_Sloan

    Smasher_Sloan Active Member

    Wait a minute...some people are acting like the daily Top 10 stories are selected as carefully as the Pulitzers. WTF? I'm sure there are days when they have nine genuine good ones, then grab another one that looks OK to fill it out. I still check the Top 10 every day, recognizing they may not be the 10 best/most important stories on the continent that day.

    If they really read everything and discussed the makeup of the list, the Top 10 would appear monthly rather than daily.
  11. Double Down

    Double Down Well-Known Member

    See, I don't think anyone expects that. What they'd prefer is that every Mitch Albom column didn't get linked. That every Laura Vescey column didn't get linked. That any of Rob Parker's columns ever got linked. There are still great stories picked every day -- Part 1 of Mike Wise's opus today on Gilbert Arenas, for example -- but when you pick the same "names" every day, even when you can so clearly tell the "name" happened to phone it in that day, there's no point in reading it all the time.

    Frankly, I think a monthly Top 10 would be more up SportsJournalists.com's alley. That would be fun. Too bad most papers don't keep their links active that long.
  12. Smasher_Sloan

    Smasher_Sloan Active Member

    Come on, it takes all of 30 seconds to glance at the Top 10. And you realize, of course, that another person's idea of a good column/story may not coincide with yours?
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