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Sportswriter, Roswell Daily Record

Discussion in 'Journalism Jobs' started by TrooperBari, Feb 1, 2007.

  1. Tom Petty

    Tom Petty Guest

    maybe i should take Songbird off my list of references for this gig.
  2. JakeandElwood

    JakeandElwood Well-Known Member

    Heck, you seem like a good guy. I'll be your reference.
  3. writing irish

    writing irish Active Member

    You could put me down, but I doubt they'd remember me.
  4. Tom Petty

    Tom Petty Guest

    i think i could kick ass with the two of you on my reference list.

    you guys up for a call from martinsburgville?
  5. JakeandElwood

    JakeandElwood Well-Known Member

    Sure, we'll make Roswell rue the day they didn't hire you.
  6. writing irish

    writing irish Active Member

    Tomas, I think the semi-fascist prep-school coaches on this beat will love you looonnng time. Somewhere in Southeast New Mexico, a would-be Patton of the Gridiron has nipple erections straining achingly against his polyester coach's shirt and he doesn't know why.

    Just as you'll love the Record's antique computers and the opportunity for women's-room sexual romps. But bring your own keyboard, just for hygienic reasons.
  7. Tom Petty

    Tom Petty Guest

    god, if i only were single and out of a job.
  8. JakeandElwood

    JakeandElwood Well-Known Member

    I bet two phone calls could make that happen.
  9. TrooperBari

    TrooperBari Well-Known Member

    Huh. That's about a dollar more than they offered me when I interviewed for it.
  10. Hank_Scorpio

    Hank_Scorpio Active Member

    I've never interviewed at Roswell, but did a phone interview with Artesia once.

    Pay was about $9.50 an hour, IIRC.

    Guy wanted me to accept over the phone, sight unseen. I was unemployed at the time, so I did agree to fly down there.

    I ended up being down there about a week, mainly because I had to spend a couple days halfway between Albuerqurque (sp?) and Artesia due to El Nino snow drifts creating whiteout over the roads.
  11. TrooperBari

    TrooperBari Well-Known Member

    I dug through some old e-mails and found an FAQ list they sent me. I got this in 2005, so some of the names may have changed, but the info is probably still fairly accurate.

  12. Songbird

    Songbird Well-Known Member

    Dude, I had to sit in that taint-ed chair, and use that taint-ed keyboard right after he left. I think I scrubbed that keyboard for an hour.
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