They should make everyone put their heads down. Like heads-up, seven-up. Only instead of kinda fun, it's awful.
From The Pipeline: Total is 132 total, 12 in Sports. 7 writers (least tenured include the TCU beat writer, the Texas A&M beat writer, the NBA writer, the horse racing writer, a GA/high schools writer and the recruiting/national colleges writer), 2 copy editors, 2 designers, 1 high school editor. Other things of note - three of the four daily online producers will be eliminated, leaving one AME-Online, one DME-Online and the sports/features producer. It looks like the night copy desk will have to take on much of the production of the "web site", if you can call it that now. Whatever push there was for online is clearly gone. The new "entertainment" site that gets 90k uniques a month and focuses more on Dallas than Fort Worth is left untouched.
Typical stupid BS. Witt had a sign in the office that read "Think Web First, Print Second." The website has, still does and always will SUCK because Witt-less is a Cover His Ass Word Spouter.
He told me years ago that when he was negotiating his radio deal, his agent told him to write down the highest salary he thought he conceivably could get. He put down something (wouldn't say how much) that he thought was insane and the station agreed instantly. God knows how much he's pulling down just from the radio gig now. But he's a good guy and I don't begrudge him, or any of us, getting everything we can, especially these days.
Jeebus Cripes. I forget the joke itself, but the punchline from Robin Williams was "everybody out! Two exits! No waiting!" This reminds me of that.
my buddy on the copy desk at FWST may be safe, from the way this reads. but sounds like they might have him helping on the designing of the Web pages. he's been there about 15 years.
I love Galloway too but let's look at the whole body of work here with this organization. How stupid was it to get the payroll that out of whack, and what does it say about the payscale of the top management at K-R and McClatchy as well as the top brass at the FWST? We say the same thing about not begrudging athletes getting what they can and it was OK because athletes is fantasy world....but this hits home, doesn't it? And it's people who clean up his copy who will lose their jobs where $35,000-$40,000 will kill them.
I'm an FWST alum gone more than 15 years and stay in touch a bit with some folks still there, but didn't realize it until I read this thread just how much the sports dept. had mushroomed in recent years. When I was there the total body count (excuse the expression---I"m not trying to be funny; none of this is funny) was in the 30-35 range, and to see that it had more than doubled since with circulation up about 30-40% over that time boggles my mind. I didn't realize it had gotten SOOOOOOO big! I know they did some cuts last year, but I"m shocked they ever got that big in the first place and that they didn't start doing significant cuts sooner than summer 2008. No matter. This stinks. Does anyone have names of those affected?
I remember reading that the FWST at one point had one of the highest-paid columnists in the country. Is that still the case?
I have never understood how or why newspapers would play any columnist 250K-300K or more. Just not worth that much.