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Star-Telegram update

Discussion in 'Journalism topics only' started by tonysoprano, Mar 4, 2009.

  1. Mizzougrad96

    Mizzougrad96 Active Member

    I don't think we're going to see it happen much any more.
  2. spnited

    spnited Active Member

    It never should have happened.
  3. kleeda

    kleeda Active Member

    How much would you pay for instant credibility in your market?
    There were many fine folks at the S-T before Galloway, but he made people in both FW and Dallas take notice of the paper for the first time in years.
  4. da man

    da man Well-Known Member

    Cutting? Why, the Star-Telegram is hiring:


    Company: DFW.com (Fort Worth Star-Telegram)
    Position: Wanted: Freelance entertainment and
    lifestyle writers
    Location: Fort Worth, Texas
    Job Status: Freelance
    Salary: Not Specified
    Ad Expires: April 10, 2009
    Job ID: 1029031

    Are you an expert in food, fashion or the local entertainment scene? Do you live in the Dallas-Fort Worth area and hang out at the coolest places alongside the hippest people?

    DFW.com, a Web site and weekly print magazine that covers entertainment, nightlife, dining and style in the Mextroplex, is looking for talented freelancers who can share their passion and personality with our readers. We want writers with original ideas who can offer a unique take on familiar topics and who can guide readers to the best-kept secrets of the city.

    Our ideal freelancers know the Dallas-Fort Worth market intimiately and are comfortable writing for and about the 18-to-35-year-olds who eat out, set trends, make a difference and have fun. We are particularly seeking out specialists in dining, fashion and environmental topics (our publication aims not just to tell readers how to spend their disposable income, but also how to make an impact on the world). If you are boring, unreliable or impossible to get along with, please do not apply.

    Interested? Please e-mail three of your sharpest stories ideas and three of your best writing samples to Christopher Kelly, Entertainment Editor, cmkelly@dfw.com. No phone calls please.
  5. clutchcargo

    clutchcargo Active Member

    Wasn't Mike Lupica pulling down something like 500K about 10 years ago?
  6. spnited

    spnited Active Member

    Not buying it, kleeda. How much did the profits rise solely because of Galloway?
  7. clutchcargo

    clutchcargo Active Member

    "Impact on the world"? Huh? What, you buy a bunch of Al Gore-endorsed crap for your condo, and you've made an impact on the world???!!!

    I can't WAIT to read about that.
  8. SockPuppet

    SockPuppet Active Member

    Make an impact on the world - save journalism.
  9. clutchcargo

    clutchcargo Active Member

  10. Frank_Ridgeway

    Frank_Ridgeway Well-Known Member

    Certainly I don't think it's worth paying that much for someone out of market. But the FWST was buying someone who had a history at a competing paper. There was precedent for that in D/FW, when the Morning News got Blackie Sherrod to jump from the Times-Herald when the war was heating up between the two Dallas papers. It's not so much the columnist's work, but the attention it brings when he leaves the competition for your paper. That's why they paid so much. I'm not saying I agree with it because I think the publicity is short-lived and I don't think we can point to a case where the addition/subtraction of a columnist has measurably helped or hurt circulation in any market. But that's why they did it.
  11. clutchcargo

    clutchcargo Active Member

    Who's left at the DMN in terms of columnist(s) these days? Please have him or her, or them, turn off the lights and turn down the thermostat when they leave.
  12. Joe Williams

    Joe Williams Well-Known Member

    Which is why I'm baffled by the Denver Post's hiring of those ex-RMNers. How much will profits rise -- or possibly, will losses decrease -- because Littwin, Krieger and others (don't mean to pick on the names I know, just don't know the others) switched sides?

    Ditto any notions that still might exist in Chicago about Mariotti joining the Tribune. They'd have to be kidding at this point.

    As for a short-lived boost to reputation, then you'd think a nice fat signing bonus ($100K) would entice a notable name to switch, at which point you pay him maybe a 20% raise on his old salary. Where else is someone going to get that?
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