Joe Bloggs is right... these used to be the Megasports jobs. They brought some guys with them from New York. Brian Orefice's a good guy, but can be a little flaky with communication. Not a bad job to have, but tough to escape.
45K for this job is a pipe dream. From what I've heard from a very reliable source, it's a writing job that's gonna pay somewhere in the 30s. Where in that range might depend on what your experience is already. Expect this thing to be filled soon with college and pro football season around the block.
So does anyone know what the deal is with this position? Football is coming up soon and as I said before I heard they wanted to get someone by the time college season started.
Prince, if you have any professional writing experience with anything more than a weekly, you'll want to stay clear of this job. Not much growth potential, and not real journalism.
hi, i'm new to the board. i play on a men's league baseball team with some guys who work at STATS, and 30K or so sounds about right for this kind of job. STATS deals primarily with fantasy coverage, so you'll likely be appearing on Yahoo! blurbs and the like. i'm in my last year of undergrad and i'd love to have this job, so don't be discuouraged, and good luck.
Forgive my obsession with this job, but I have my reasons for wanting it. But 30K? Might sound good for a newbie in Chitown, but not for someone with a few years of experience. I would think pay here would depend on experience.
This job entails sitting in an office and writing previews for games, using quotes from previously published stories or off team/school Web sites. This isn't high-end journalism. Why are you so desperate for THIS job, and what makes you think they'd pay more than 30K-33K? They need ONE person to fill out the staff, presumably for someone who left. All they want is a newbie they can mold into one of their drones.