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Steve Rushin - Soccer Nazi

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by Boom_70, Jun 13, 2006.

  1. Flying Headbutt

    Flying Headbutt Moderator Staff Member

    Mad, only if he marks it down.
  2. alleyallen

    alleyallen Guest

    The one and only point I agree with you on is that Rushin is an idiot for trying to make an argument. But rather than "growing" numbers in the U.S., I say he's and idiot for trying to browbeat a large number of Americans for NOT liking soccer.

    And Madhavok, I can say with authority (don't ask how) that when you rest on a station for a certain period of time, it registers it as a watch. Exactly how that plays out in terms of the final ratings numbers, I coudn't say, though.
  3. trounced

    trounced Active Member

    Or just tuning in ESPN2 to see the score ticker. I don't like soccer but planned to catch some of the second half yesterday while I ate lunch. A 2-0 halftime deficit changed my viewing interest. Because I might have tuned in to the US game yesterday doesn't mean I enjoy soccer.
  4. Smallpotatoes

    Smallpotatoes Well-Known Member

    I do think that in my lifetime, soccer has made progress in this country. More people know the game. When it's on TV, the announcers don't have to educate the viewers about the basics of the game as much as they did in the NASL days and the color men are more likely to be former soccer players as opposed to NFL kickers who played the game before coming to this country to kick. A generation ago, the local high school team's coach probably never played the game (and if he did, he grew up in another country), now they all have and they really know the game.
    It's on TV more, though that's probably as much a product of the 24-hour sports networks than anything else. EVERYTHING is on TV more now. Of course, more people are playing it and grew up playing it, but as many have pointed out, that has not translated into more people watching it.
    That being said, it is what it is. It will never be what football or baseball or basketball is. It does have a place in this culture, but not the place many soccer people hoped it would have.
  5. trounced

    trounced Active Member

    All good points and very true. It sounds like today's lacrosse, plus about 20-30 years, although lacrosse certainly doesn't have much international appeal. I do think that an early exit by the US soccer team only helps lacrosse, which many youngsters seem to prefer over soccer, although lacrosse is more expensive to play.
  6. alleyallen

    alleyallen Guest

    Ratings aren't done in written format like that anymore. The equipment is hooked up to the televisions and the results are phoned in weekly, automatically, by the system.
  7. Madhavok

    Madhavok Well-Known Member

    So how long does one have to watch a program for it to be caculated for the ratings of the show?
  8. trounced

    trounced Active Member

    Neilson still uses handwritten surveys during sweeps.
  9. alleyallen

    alleyallen Guest

    Hmmm...that's news to me. Literally.
  10. trounced

    trounced Active Member

  11. Pastor

    Pastor Active Member

    Why is lacrosse being discussed? There are many that like both. There are fewer that like lacrosse, but it is a solidly popular sport. Both seem to have a hard core base. But, why is it brought up?

    The sport is where it is. It isn't the top sport but it is heavily popular. Games are on the tele nearly round the clock. Why do you think ESPN gobbled up the UEFA rights?

    I love watching baseball, basketball, hockey and football. I don't see MLS overtaking those leagues, in terms of popularity. But it has grown and will grow further.

    I'm not sure why someone would want to argue the sport down. What is gained by making inflated statements about lack of interest? Do you win a prize? Is there money involved?
  12. trounced

    trounced Active Member

    Sorry. I didn't know that lacrosse was banned from this thread.
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