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Summer vacations

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by Tommy_Dreamer, Jun 18, 2007.

  1. Shut up, Frank!
  2. EE94

    EE94 Guest

    It's supposedly much better. I haven't been, but that's what I've heard. The Fallsview, right?
  3. Jesus_Muscatel

    Jesus_Muscatel Well-Known Member

    Paging Del B. Vista, paging Del B. Vista, please come to the white courtesy phone ...
  4. MileHigh

    MileHigh Moderator Staff Member

    My vacation starts tomorrow (thankfully). Going to Banff/Canmore for a week, with my brother's wedding a big part of that during the weekend, but a few days of R&R before then.
  5. Hustle

    Hustle Guest

    Man, we need to get to Banff someday. The pictures from there are always just incredible.

    My wife and I leave for beautiful Central Oregon in 12 days, not that I'm counting.

    And no, I'm not interviewing in Prineville.
  6. JR

    JR Well-Known Member

    We're talking about a road trip or a cottage or maybe a camping trip fpr our HOLIDAYS. :)

    Since the loonie is so strong we can go down to the U.S. and not have to mortgage anything.

    Someone mentioned Hampton Beach, New Hampshire. Spent a couple of weeks there a few times when I was a kid. Got my first taste of crab legs when I was 12. Yum, yum.
  7. Just got back from the OBX.
    Nice weather, albeit cool (got over 80 once). Come home to 99 degree weather.
    But my lawn was mowed, my beloved flowers were watered, my air conditioning was fixed and I had a new bench next to my kids' playset. I have a good father-in-law!

    Vacation was nice. I drank beer (Bush Light bottles for $5.99 a 12 pack!!) on the beach, ate well all week and avoided a sunburn.
    Kids had a blast and I got to visit with my family.
    A week-plus with pregnant wife and two kids is plenty. I can't wait to go back to work tomorrow.
    Next vacation: July 28- 7-day fishing trip in Canada (first trip to land of the Maple Leafs and Bryan Adams) with my dad and uncles. Looking forward to it, though I have never fished with anything above a Snoopy pole with a bobber and salmon eggs.
    I also have two days sandwiched around July 4 for a trip to rural Western PA (Johnstown here I come!) for a picnic.
  8. KYSportsWriter

    KYSportsWriter Well-Known Member

    Leaving for Florida two weeks from Friday. Going with central-ky-kid and his family for a week.
  9. dreunc1542

    dreunc1542 Active Member

    NYC this weekend, Cape Cod the weekend of Jul 20-22 and So. Fla. Aug 8-13. A few other small weekend excursions are possible.
  10. EE94

    EE94 Guest

    where you fishing? Western Canada, Northern? Quebec?
  11. Batman

    Batman Well-Known Member

    Tommy, I was in that same tropical storm you were in. Got to spend the next-to-last day of my honeymoon driving back up the Keys in steady, fairly torrential rain. Pretty much ruined that day. We had a reservation in Key Largo, thinking we'd get there around 6 or 7 p.m. and just spend the night.
    When you get there at 1 p.m. and can't do anything because of the weather, you know what there is to do in Key Largo? Jack, and Shit. And Shit is on vacation in Key West. Come to think of it, Jack may be in Miami.
    Key Largo blows, and nobody on God's green earth can convince me otherwise.
    Great honeymoon in Key West, though. Did lots of touristy things and had one good beach day before the clouds rolled in.

    The last month has felt like one long vacation for me. My wife lives in a different town, so we had the wedding and honeymoon, then I spent another vacation week at her house. Came back for less than a week, then got sent to Omaha to cover the CWS. I'm not back at work until Thursday, so if you add it up I will have spent something like 25 of 30 days out of the city I work in.
    Life is pretty good.
  12. Willie-Butch

    Willie-Butch Member

    Leaving for South Beach on Saturday for three days. Will serve as my bachelor party, but it'll pretty much be a guys weekend type thing. Should be interesting. And a complete debacle. I can't wait.

    Anyone have any favorite places in Miami they could offer up?
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