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survivor - heroes vs. villains

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by txsportsscribe, Jan 4, 2010.

  1. Mizzougrad96

    Mizzougrad96 Active Member

    At some point, I'd love to see the season that JT won. I don't know if they're still showing reruns on the Travel Channel or if the travel channel even still exists. I'm guessing not.

    I'm glad to see I'm not the only one really geared up over this show after a great season.
  2. TwoGloves

    TwoGloves Well-Known Member

    This is the longest-lasting Survivor thread ever.
  3. Probst's list that I posted on the previous page is pretty good, although it appears you have seen most of his top 10, I assume.

    10. Amazon
    9. Cook Islands
    8. Australian Outback
    7. All-Stars
    6. China
    5. Pearl Islands
    4. Palau
    3. Samoa
    2. Micronesia: Fans vs. Favorites
    1. Borneo (aka Season 1)

    If you haven't seen Micronesia: Fans vs. Favorites, definitely get that one. Palau is probably my favorite season overall. China was pretty good because Todd played a strategic game and yet, unlike Russell, knew how to actually play the social side as well. And Amazon is worth a look if for no reason other than Jenna and Heidi and the PB and chocolate.
  4. DisembodiedOwlHead

    DisembodiedOwlHead Active Member

    I've seen about 10 or 12 of the 20. My favorite was Fans v. Favorites (in reality, the 2nd all-star season). I also really liked Cook Islands - started slow, strong finish. Least favorite was probably Samoa (I don't dig Russell's act, I hate Coach and everybody else was either an idiot, had no personality or strategy, or both problems).

    You can get many whole seasons on iTunes for $7 or $8. I watched several that way.
  5. Mizzougrad96

    Mizzougrad96 Active Member

    The only season that I watched that I missed the first go around was Marquesas. I thought it was interesting that Boston Rob made all-stars despite barely even making the jury that season, but he did blind side the favorite that season, which was one of the better episodes at the time.
  6. terrier

    terrier Well-Known Member

    Surprised Phils fans aren't all over Amazon and Mrs. Cole Hamels. At least her BFF Morasca had some smarts and could win a challenge when she needed to.
  7. Mizzougrad96

    Mizzougrad96 Active Member

    I think Heidi is one of a couple former Survivors to marry ballplayers.
  8. Steph from Pulau, Guatemala and HvV is dating or married to a player. Name escapes me right now.
  9. Interesting information about the "reality" of this season from Colby: http://www.realityblurred.com/realitytv/archives/survivor_heroes_vs_villains/2010_Jun_03_colby_interview

    I especially find it interesting that Probst wasn't even aware of it. Combined with some of the editing of the challenges and I am starting to worry about things over at Survivor HQ.
  10. Mizzougrad96

    Mizzougrad96 Active Member

    If you think of how much footage they have, I don't think Probst should be expected to watch everything. He may have a producer's credit, but he doesn't edit the show. Unless they want to dedicate a full episode to the incident, it's probably tough to show the whole incident.

    I found it more troubling when I heard that on a couple seasons they drove the players to Tribal Council because it was raining too hard and a couple of the players had refused to walk a couple miles there and back.
  11. terrier

    terrier Well-Known Member

    I've read a Probst interview where he said he deliberately does not watch camp life footage, and usually makes his observations at tribal council just based on what he saw personally at challenges. On very rare occasions (illness, injury, etc.), producers will alert him to something they feel he absolutely needs to see before TC.
  12. Mizzougrad96

    Mizzougrad96 Active Member

    I believe that to an extent, but I'd bet he knows about all alliances and/or arguments between players.
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