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swim team coverage

Discussion in 'Journalism topics only' started by skippy05, Nov 15, 2006.

  1. GB-Hack

    GB-Hack Active Member

    Around here, every coach knows who everyone else has got, so they shuffle according to that rather than anything they see in the paper. That being said, I've seen dual-meets where coaches will let the other team's stud go unopposed in his or her two individual events, stack other events and try to come out ahead. We have one school here who won districts four years in a row solely because they could put three swimmers in close to every final and go 1-2 in the diving competition. Once they got to states, I don't think any of the team's members made a final.
  2. crusoes

    crusoes Active Member

    Why would anyone hate cross country? The damn thing is over, with boys and girls competing, in an hour. Track, that's another story.

    I'm coming to the conclusion that all sports parents suck. Just some a lot more than others.
  3. KP

    KP Active Member

    I had a football coach pull this shit this week for the upcoming Thanksgiving preview. If I give you my stats I'll be at a competitive disadvantage because they'll know them and I won't know their's. I then explained, well if everyone plays along everyone we'll have everyone's stats in that paper and nobody gets screwed. What I wanted to say was, if you think Coach WhoHappensToHaveA25GameWinningStreak is waiting for the Podunk Press to come out to see which guys to key in on then I'm guessing his name is going to be Coach EntersPlayoffsWithA26GmWinStreak.

    Belichickization - every single piece of information is a classified secret.

    As for swimming, that's why they invented agate pages. And along the lines of Meat, bring a gas mask for the fumes.
  4. EStreetJoe

    EStreetJoe Well-Known Member

    We used to run the top three times in each event from meets. Then all of a sudden a few years ago, coaches stopped doing that, only wanting to give the winning time in an event. Several coaches said that by running the top three times other schools are getting a scouting report on them by seeing how fast they're swimming and can adjust their lineups accordingly.
    I haven't heard of a meet being decided because a coach adjusted his lineup to stack it in some events.
    Next thing you know you'll have wrestling coaches refusing to give you results because it will allow the opposition to know how to stack their lineups - or who to bump up (or down) a weight class for a meet. Thankfully this hasn't happened (yet).
  5. EStreetJoe

    EStreetJoe Well-Known Member

    If you need a conversion chart to help you get all the times unified (all meters or all yards), here's one:
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