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Take care of yourself

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by Johnny_Dangerously, Sep 11, 2003.

  1. Re: Take care of yourself (LiveSTRONG)


    Way to go. Keep plugging away.

    As for me, I don't think I'm doing a good job of it. Today my boss called me in and said ''Son ... fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life.''

    And I thought these pants made my hips look more narrow (sigh).
  2. Smallpotatoes

    Smallpotatoes Well-Known Member

    Re: Take care of yourself (LiveSTRONG)

    I'm down 12 pounds since June and my blood pressure is now in the more normal range of 120/84 after being in the 120s/90s for the last few years.
  3. Re: Take care of yourself (LiveSTRONG)

    If the actual Danny Whitten had done all of that, he'd be alive today.
    (Sorry, but I miraculously heard "Crow Jane Lady" on the car radio today. Clear Channel must've been drunk.)
  4. danny_whitten

    danny_whitten Member

    Re: Take care of yourself (LiveSTRONG)

    Miraculous indeed. I think I'll pull that one out myself.
  5. cranberry

    cranberry Well-Known Member

    Re: Take care of yourself (LiveSTRONG)

    I started that part of the discussion and I've been working out 45 minutes three times per week for five years. I had dropped it for about eight years while my kids were young and it got too crazy. I resumed it when my youngest was five. I enjoy the workout, but I'm always trying to refine to get the most out it. Sorry if that's not up to your standards, Charles Atlas.
  6. danny_whitten

    danny_whitten Member

    Re: Take care of yourself (LiveSTRONG)

    Sorry. Wasn't meant to be offensive, only helpful.

    On another note, I picked up Nils Lofgren's `Grin 1+1' and enjoy it. Nice call. `End Unkind' should've been a hit. Put it on after the aforementionied CRL. What a magnificent song, and what a split-second tragic blunder. Clear Channel heads will roll.
  7. cranberry

    cranberry Well-Known Member

    Re: Take care of yourself (LiveSTRONG)

    I take it all back. I forgot you're a Nils Lofgren fan. ;) ....I'm still a little cranky from lack of sleep during the World Series.
  8. Boom_70

    Boom_70 Well-Known Member

    Re: Take care of yourself (LiveSTRONG)

    Got my 5lb Yankee World Series paunch. Always happens. late nights - less work outs, 53 sausage and pepper wedges at the stadium and a keg of beer at Stan's.
    Back to work
  9. cranberry

    cranberry Well-Known Member

    Re: Take care of yourself (LiveSTRONG)

    Me too. I was having my brisket sandwiches (w/gravy) around the corner at Yankee Tavern. It's a postseason pre-game ritual that gets me to the Stadium around 4p. Only one pre-game beer, though, because I had to work. Had my first workout in a week this morning.
  10. Boom_70

    Boom_70 Well-Known Member

    Re: Take care of yourself (LiveSTRONG)

    Thats funny -- I love getting there that early and watching everything come together. My ritual includes just hanging out on River Ave smoking a cigar. Great atmosphere.
  11. 21

    21 Well-Known Member

    Re: Take care of yourself (LiveSTRONG)

    Except when you're assaulting the media in Stan's.
  12. Chris_L

    Chris_L Guest

    Re: Take care of yourself (LiveSTRONG)

    "Ass" aulting? Does that mean that you guys are wild and unpredictable?
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