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Take care of yourself

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by Johnny_Dangerously, Sep 11, 2003.

  1. cranberry

    cranberry Well-Known Member

    Re: Take care of yourself (LiveSTRONG)

    I probably walked by you on Saturday. Next time I'll be looking for a weight-lifter type with wing tips and a cigar. ;).

    I used to patronize the Scorecard before that closed up in the mid-80s (Was the space taken over by Stan's?) and moved to the Yankee Tavern where there's a bit more of a corner bar atmosphere and the food is exceptional (for within a quarter-mile of the Stadium).

    I know you're a Stans guy, but you should try Yankee Tavern sometime. I'll buy you a beer and we won't talk politics.
  2. 21

    21 Well-Known Member

    Re: Take care of yourself (LiveSTRONG)


    How's this going for everyone?? When we last left this prolific thread, there were rumbling about diets and no more soda and treadmills.

    Now the holidays are here. Did you know the average weight gain from Thanksgiving through New Years is 10 pounds?
  3. cranberry

    cranberry Well-Known Member

    Re: Take care of yourself (LiveSTRONG)

    I suspect steroids. If the U.S. pays the money it owes to WADA and Dick Pound, however, we can institute mandatory, year-round testing for everyone and rid ourselves of this pervasive problem. These cheaters ruin the holidays for people who engage in drug-free gorging.
  4. Cosmo

    Cosmo Well-Known Member

    Re: Take care of yourself (LiveSTRONG)

    I'm actually down several pounds, though I wonder if that has anything to do with being ravaged by that nasty flu bug for a good 10 days. :-/

    I've got incentive, though. Going home to D.C. in a couple of weeks to see plenty of old friends. Got to look good, you know.

    Off to the gym! Legs day! :D
  5. ink-stained wretch

    ink-stained wretch Active Member

    Re: Take care of yourself (LiveSTRONG)

    Holiday recipe for weight loss and/or disaster.

    Eleven-year-old daughter announces at the dinner table that she is becoming a vegeterian. No meat; no milk; no eggs; no fish. And that's the way it's gonna be, mom and dad.

    Long silence ensues. Discussing begins. Importance of calcium to growing child (increases two shoe sizes on average every four months) predicates the inclusion of milk and cheese in her diet.

    OK, she says.

    No eggs, huh? asks Dad. So no french toast, no angel food cake, no eggnog?

    Ok, eggs, she sighs.

    No turkey? Mom inquires.

    Ok, maybe chicken -- but no fish, no red meat, and that includes venison, Dad, and no pork!

    Dad thinks to himself: So the traditional Christmas standing rib roast with hunter sauce is off the team? I don't think so. Now, I'll have to make two friggin' dinners, one of which will be boiled friggin' chicken. That'll teach her. And her favorite Siberian dish -- pelmeni (think pork stuffed tortellini swimming in melted butter and topped with sour cream) -- that's off the team, too? Nah, I'll make a big bowl for the wife and I.

    Later, the wife is horrified when the plan is explained to her. You can't do that, she says. That's too mean.

    Dad, of course thinking of the freezer full of corn-fed bambi, sticks to his guns. You have to draw the line somewhere, he says. First it's no red meat, then the next thing you know tofu starts appearing in the refrigerator.

    Wife then explains she and the daughter have been adding tofu to Dad's special chili for the past two winters when he wasn't looking.

    Family relations now fully strained, Dad issues the ultimatum: standing rib roast on Xmas or nothing.

    Stay tuned. Wife has contacted the Carter Peace Center for a negotiator.
  6. SF_Express

    SF_Express Active Member

    Re: Take care of yourself (LiveSTRONG)


    I do a 12-14 pound marinated boneless prime rib every New Year's Day! Twice-baked potatoes. A new year's tradition.

    Interestingly, my daughter, who eats no red meat or anything connected to it, still thinks the rib tradition is kind of cool. When I suggested a change this year to something like a tri-tip, she said no way, even though she doesn't even eat it.

    (By the way, cool cooking method: One hour at 450 degrees; turn the oven off and let it sit -- no opening the oven under penalty of death -- until 30-45 minutes before serving, can be 4-5 hours, that time doesn't matter. Then turn it on at 375 for the last stretch of time. Perfect every time.)

    This is my first, and possibly last, food/recipe post. Continue.
  7. 21

    21 Well-Known Member

    Re: Take care of yourself (LiveSTRONG)

    ISW, you are managing this all wrong.

    She's 11, she has no clue how many foods contain some sort of animal product. And if you fight her, she will only dig in harder. Control issue.

    Give her what she wants, even on Christmas. Dry cereal, plain pasta, tofu. Tell her to make a list, you'll take her to the store to pick it out.  Tell her if she's not going to eat what the rest of the family is eating, she has to prepare it herself.

    Not as easy as she thinks.  Week to ten days, she's begging for a turkey sandwich.   Or at  least some cheese for the macaroni.
  8. Charlie Brown

    Charlie Brown Member

    Re: Take care of yourself (LiveSTRONG)

    Still fat.
  9. sport_fox

    sport_fox Member

    Re: Take care of yourself (LiveSTRONG)

    I don't bother training during the holidays

    Once Dec 26th hits, begin with weights, cardio (maybe some pickup hockey) lean-out the 'ol diet and hit the INDOOR BATTING CAGE! ;D ;D ;D
  10. Moderator1

    Moderator1 Moderator Staff Member

    Re: Take care of yourself (LiveSTRONG)

    Cholesterol lowering drugs are the greatest invention ever. Love 'em.

    Now if they could only find a way to pack a little buzz into them. I'd walk around with a constant Lipitor high.
  11. Re: Take care of yourself (LiveSTRONG)

    Hmm. The writing-tips thread is resurrected, but it wouldn't hurt to get this one moving again either. ...
  12. 21

    21 Well-Known Member

    Re: Take care of yourself (LiveSTRONG)

    Interesting story in today's WSJ about the fraud of low carb labels, how sugar is often replaced by other chemicals that may be low carb but have the same net effect on the body.

    Bottom line, still, stay away from the fad products, and processed diet foods.
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