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Take care of yourself

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by Johnny_Dangerously, Sep 11, 2003.

  1. joe

    joe Active Member

    That's like "Fight Gone Really, Really Bad."
  2. JosephC.Myers

    JosephC.Myers Active Member

    Upped to 30 pushups, 30 situps and 20 squats per set. Not always going to be able to do 4 sets per day due to time constraints, but want to at least get 2 or 3.
  3. JackReacher

    JackReacher Well-Known Member

    So I did the 25-15-10 again yesterday with squats, pushups and situps. For the situps, I used the machine at the gym that resembles a pop-a-shot with medicine balls. Made it a little tougher. AbSolo is what it's called, I believe.

    Did it in 4:50, which I'm assuming is slow as shit. But I was definitely winded.
  4. joe

    joe Active Member

    Is that three rounds? If so, 4:50 is a pretty damn good time.
  5. JackReacher

    JackReacher Well-Known Member

    I did 25 squats, 25 pushups, 25 situps.
    Then, I did 15 of each.
    Then, I did 10 of each.

    In 4:50. Which has to be slow, because I'm in horrible shape.

    I definitely didn't do all that, then do it again, then do it a third time. That'd be what...150 squats, 150 pushups, 150 situps? Haha. Yeah, I didn't do all that. Just 50 of each.
  6. joe

    joe Active Member

    The situps would be my downfall. I mean, I can do them fine, but I'm slow.

    In the interest of keeping this thread going, full disclosure: I haven't been doing Crossfit for quite a while now. We had to get rid of our gym membership for about three months, and I got out of shape in a hurry. We picked up the membership again in mid- to late December, and I've been doing traditional lifting since then with an occasional CF-type workout thrown in. But I'm so weak from when I used to do CF it's not even funny.

    I still do deadlifts and back squats and shoulder presses and stuff, but I'm not in good enough cardio shape yet to tackle Crossfit stuff. In another three or four months, I'll get back on it, but I'm just trying to build a baseline of strength before I attempt it.

  7. JosephC.Myers

    JosephC.Myers Active Member

    Ran 4 miles or so for PT this morning, did a round of 30 pushups, 30 situps and 20 squats before work. After work, came home and did another round. Drove to the track, did round 3, ran 4 miles on the track, then did round 4. Not as crazy as some people's workouts, but I think I got something out of it. Diagnostic PT test Monday and I'm hoping to do well on it.
  8. Cosmo

    Cosmo Well-Known Member

    I was out for a good two weeks when I wrenched my back doing -- of all things -- freaking 155 pound deadlifts. Such a light weight. I just didn't stretch out enough and hit it in the wrong way. Couldn't do much other than ride the bike for a couple of weeks. When I started doing some CF stuff again, I got so winded so quickly ... powered through, but not fast.

    Oh, and I'm stretching the hell out of my back before every workout now.

    I've been more or less stuck in the car for the last three days for work, so I'm looking forward to today. I think I'll try this:

    EDIT: Um, yeah. So 300 meters of walking lunges is a lot. I may not be able to walk for the next two days. Holy hell.
  9. JosephC.Myers

    JosephC.Myers Active Member

    Passed my PT test. Did 40 pushups, 60 situps and ran 2 miles in 16:12. Did more pushups, but a few less situps and ran about 50 seconds slower than my test in October. 7 weeks to go until my record test. Still got work to do, but pleased with my progress on my pushups.
  10. Cosmo

    Cosmo Well-Known Member

    Good work ... I wouldn't mind trying that just to see what my time would be. I suspect the run would be by far the slowest part for me.

    Legs were unbelievably stiff today but I stretched and stretched and managed to knock out 30 clean and jerks at 135 pounds. Had to cut them into sets of three. Any more, especially at the end, and my forearms started burning like crazy. Glad I did it as prescribed. I think the last time I did it I went with 115 instead of 135.
  11. YGBFKM

    YGBFKM Guest

    As someone who has spent a lot of time in the gym over the years while never getting involved in the ridiculous gym culture, I found this article hilarious:

  12. joe

    joe Active Member

    Ryan, I did this workout this morning at home. As I suspected, the situps were the time killer; they probably averaged about 3 seconds each, which would work out to 2:30 of my time. The pushups were surprisingly easier than I thought they'd be because I haven't done any in ages. Squats are just speed work.

    Time = 4:24, and yeah, I was pretty winded, too. When I get my core stronger, sub-4 minutes is possible. When, not if.

    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 1, 2015
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