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Take care of yourself

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by Johnny_Dangerously, Sep 11, 2003.

  1. Dick Whitman

    Dick Whitman Well-Known Member

    Yeah, you at least got to take an elevator down, though, before heading to the next one.

    I liked it. Good challenge. I'm looking forward to next year, like I said, now that I have a year of experience. It's something kind of different, you know?
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 1, 2015
  2. JackReacher

    JackReacher Well-Known Member

    It's definitely different. And if you follow Ms. Yoga Pants all the way up, it might not suck.
  3. Smallpotatoes

    Smallpotatoes Well-Known Member

    Dick, great job.
  4. RickStain

    RickStain Well-Known Member

    Been doing pretty good the last few months working on getting myself in better shape and living healthier. Have really kicked it into gear, inspired by that "real food" thread.

    Anyone on Fitocracy? I joined three days ago and find it right up my alley.
  5. JackReacher

    JackReacher Well-Known Member

    Never heard of it.

    A buddy of mine and his wife (who are both in great shape already, so....fuck them) got on Dietbet.com a month or so ago. Apparently, the idea is to lose 4% of your body weight in a month. You join games and play against other people. You drop an entry fee and whoever loses the 4% by the deadline splits the pot. I think the buy-ins are something like $20-30; nothing crazy. But you'll also get games with thousands of players, so depending on how many hit the 4%, you could possibly make some decent coin.

    They keep you in check, and preserve the integrity of the game, by having you submit photos of your weight with a word of the day or something. Anyway, they seemed to enjoy it. Not sure if they cashed in, though.
  6. joe

    joe Active Member

    Tweaked my lower back this morning. After doing deadlifts, I went to do front squats. With an easy starting weight of 135, I squated down and felt pain in my back. I managed to stand back up, but I was done.

    I went and tried to stretch and foam roll, but it's still sore / hurt as shit. I have a chiropractor appointment for Monday morning, my first time at the witch doctor — but my wife swears by it, so I'm willing to try anything.

    I just hope I don't have some kind of degenerative disc bullshit because that would suck diddly uck.
  7. JackReacher

    JackReacher Well-Known Member

    Chiropractor's are awesome, Joe. I had a back issue during football season my sophomore year in high school, and I went once a week. He'll crack every bone in your body just about, and it''ll be awkward and uncomfortable, but it might do you some good. I'll be interested to see how it went.

    Good luck.
  8. joe

    joe Active Member

    Beer helps. Scotch would help more. I's all outta Scotch. On to Grandpa's moonshine, made from peaches. Potent.

    YGBFKM Guest

    A good chiropractor is a Godsend.
  10. joe

    joe Active Member

    I went to the chiropractor today, and I'm all kinds of fucked up. They X-rayed my back, and my left hipbone is a good inch higher than my right, which is making my last four or five vertebrae curve to the right.

    The doc put me on her table that felt like it was undulating and pushed and shoved and messed around with my back. Then she used what felt and sounded like an impact hammer on my hips and ass, then cracked some more.

    After that, I went in and got the 1,000-fingers bed treatment with some kinds of pads placed on my back and tailbone. I damn near fell asleep.

    That was it for the treatment except for icing it here at home. I have another appointment Wednesday and probably one on Friday and next Monday and who knows how many more.

    The pisser is, she said no more working out until we get my fucked-up back/hips fixed, which is just all kinds of suck. All the gains I've made in the last four months will probably be pissed away. But, I reckon if it means I'm healed and fixed, then it will be better for me in the long run. Shit.

  11. YGBFKM

    YGBFKM Guest

    I had tension headaches every days for months a little more than a decade ago. Nothing helped until I went to the chiropractor. But I've also been to chiropractors who told me I had all kinds of things wrong that could only be fixed by starting regular regimens of all kinds of shit. I ended up paying about $4,000 total without any significant changes. If you start to feel better from whatever it is, great, but beware of the bullshit I described. A visit to the chiropractor once a month can be great. But most people don't need to go every week or more.
  12. Rusty Shackleford

    Rusty Shackleford Active Member

    Two questions for the peanut gallery please:
    1) As a tangent to Joe's issues above, I have a bad lower back. My dad has been getting occassional back spasms since before he was my age, and I had bad ones about two years ago for the first (and so far, only, knock on wood) time. Because of that, I can't do deadlifts. I tried to start getting into deadlifts because of the back pain, thinking that a stronger lower back would solve my problem. It did not. In fact, my back was constantly sore and felt on the verge of spasms for several days after each day that included deadlifts.

    -My question: Is there a bad-back appropriate way to perform a deadlift? Or is there a better workout for lower back that will reduce the likelihood of back spasms?

    2) Who here uses Muscle Milk? I've added it to my diet the past 6 weeks or so, but haven't really noticed any difference in my physique or strength. I work out daily, and I'm in good shape. I just wanted to improve a little more, and thought it might help.

    Thanks all!
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