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Take care of yourself

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by Johnny_Dangerously, Sep 11, 2003.

  1. Sxysprtswrtr

    Sxysprtswrtr Active Member

    Re: Take care of yourself (LiveSTRONG)

    Congrats Paseana. Don't care how you slice it, 115 pounds is a lotta weight.

    Side note - I cut out sodas completely and can tell that has helped in weight loss. Not only that, I feel better. All that sugar in a Coke/Dr Pepper was lethal. :)
  2. Re: Take care of yourself (LiveSTRONG)

    Someone told me I shouldn't get a Soloflex because it's resistance, not free weights, and I wouldn't build as much strength. But I don't have a spotter for free weights. Is Soloflex any good?

    Anyone have experience with one?
  3. Starman

    Starman Well-Known Member

    Re: Take care of yourself (LiveSTRONG)

    I've got one and love it. Your body doesn't know the difference between free weights and resistance exercise. If you've got to expend the muscle energy one way or the other, IMO it doesn't make any difference.

    If you're exercising on your own, without a spotter, a Soloflex/Bowflex is the way to go.
  4. DisembodiedOwlHead

    DisembodiedOwlHead Active Member

    Re: Take care of yourself (LiveSTRONG)

    Just be sure to do each rep of each exercise fully. If you don't cheat on the back end, there is no difference between free weights and machines.
  5. 21

    21 Well-Known Member

    Re: Take care of yourself (LiveSTRONG)

    I disagree. Free weights require complete control of each weight....you can't compensate with your stronger side, or allow the machine to get you through. The difference might be minimal, ultimately, but there is a difference.
  6. Starman

    Starman Well-Known Member

    Re: Take care of yourself (LiveSTRONG)

    I think in many cases, the option is to either use a Solo/Bowflex or similar machine, vs. nothing.

    I think the Soloflex is a lot, lot better than nothing. ;)

    Soloflex, etc. is more suited for someone who wants to be able to do a workout in a limited area, usually without a spotter or other "assistant."

    Yeah, there is some factor of "cheating on the back end," because you can allow the bars to simply slide back on their hinges, without dropping it on your neck. :eek:

    I compensate for that by doing more reps than the 'program' calls for, and trying to make sure I'm using proper form. But it doesn't matter how effective an exercise is if you don't DO it.

    For those of us whose schedules make belonging to a conventional gym impractical, in apartments or small houses, it's a good option.
  7. scribbler357

    scribbler357 Member

    Re: Take care of yourself (LiveSTRONG)

    I squeeze in 90 minutes about six times a week. I do free weights and some of the machines to isolate certain areas and I top it all off with five miles on the exercise bike. It works for me.
  8. Redswriter

    Redswriter Guest

    Re: Take care of yourself (LiveSTRONG)

    I'm no expert, but when using free weights you can arch your back or favor one side over the other more easily than with machines. Hence the word "free".

    The machines keep you in place with shoulders back and require you to use the muscles specifically intended for use with that machine.

    I'm not saying one is better than other (I'm not a big "weightlifter"), but I think you maintain more body control with machines than with free weights.
  9. Smallpotatoes

    Smallpotatoes Well-Known Member

    Re: Take care of yourself (LiveSTRONG)

    I use a little of both, free weights and machines, but mostly machines for safety reasons because I prefer to work out alone.
    I don't do barbell bench presses because I don't want to get caught under the bar. I was doing dumbbell bench presses until I strained a shoulder trying to move a pair of 40-pounders into position. That leaves machines.
    Lately, I've noticed I feel pain in my shoulder when I do barbell or dumbell curls, so I've switched to preacher curls and there's no problem.
    For the time being, I'm staying away from direct shoulder work.
    I'd like to do barbell squats because I know how good they are, but I settle for leg presses, again for saefty reasons.
  10. DisembodiedOwlHead

    DisembodiedOwlHead Active Member

    Re: Take care of yourself (LiveSTRONG)

    Much easier to pull a muscle or do the exercise improperly with free weights. A lot of machines put you in good position to isolate muscles, like Reds said.

    If you have impeccable technique, free weights are generally the weapon of choice.

    Sometimes I prefer the machines becaust at my gym the free weights are usually monopolized by the guy who is resting up to do 1 or 2 250-pound benches when he could get getting a lot more out of 8 or 10 175-pound reps.
  11. Cosmo

    Cosmo Well-Known Member

    Re: Take care of yourself (LiveSTRONG)

    The good thing about free weights is that they make you use tons of little, unseen muscles to help stablize the weight.

    Try doing bench press on a machine, then come back and use dumbbells. Don't try to do more weight than you can, and you won't have the issues with the free weights of throwing your back out, etc.

    Dumbbell bench presses are by far my favorite exercise in the gym. I feel crazy pumped after doing a set. Plus, it's fun to do a set of benches with 95 lb dumbbells, yell, and throw them to the ground. ;D

    (Please, use the pads the gym provides as not to break the floor).
  12. leo1

    leo1 Active Member

    Re: Take care of yourself (LiveSTRONG)

    ahhhh, so hokie's that annoying fucker who keeps grunting at an unreasonable volume just so the rest of us can see how tough he is. yeah, we're impressed. ::) ;D
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