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Take care of yourself

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by Johnny_Dangerously, Sep 11, 2003.

  1. Re: Take care of yourself (LiveSTRONG)

    What do you do if you're single, can't cook a lick and have the requisite strange and long hours we work? Anyone have any tips for someone whose only skill in the kitchen is popping microwave popcorn?
  2. Hank_Scorpio

    Hank_Scorpio Active Member

    Re: Take care of yourself (LiveSTRONG)

    Good thread here.

    I have never really taken any supplements. I have ate some protein bars, though.

    As far as exercise, I do a lot of bike riding (4-5 miles or more) and every so often walk (I think it's a four-mile loop).

    But like redswriter said, when you're in your car. Get out and walk. Don't use the drive thru. And park further away. Get the blood moving, etc.

    Even at work, step away from your desk once an hour or so. Get up, take a walk around the sports department, then back to work.

    As far as diet, I eat a lot better then when I worked nights. And carryouts now are Chinese or Thai, instead of Wendys, etc.

    And I think it was Mizzou who said cut the alcohol down. That's a good idea. I know I don't drink as much as I used to and frankly, I don't miss it either. Now, I might have a drink on a Saturday night, but that's not every Saturday either.
  3. Hank_Scorpio

    Hank_Scorpio Active Member

    Re: Take care of yourself (LiveSTRONG)

    Food Network has a show called 30-minute meals. It's hosted by Rachael Ray, who is quite pleasing to look at as well. We've discussed her before on here.

    But her meals aren't that hard to prepare and they don't take a long time either.

    Not sure if that helps you or not, but check out foodtv.com and scan through their recipes. I;m sure you'll find something you can cook.
  4. Cosmo

    Cosmo Well-Known Member

    Re: Take care of yourself (LiveSTRONG)

    Awesome thread, folks ...

    First, I just wanted to comment on something Dooley said a few pages back. I don't think I'm a better person compared to someone else for going to the gym five days a week. I do feel like a healthy person and I feel great about myself, and really, that's what matters.

    As far as eating ... here's what I've found you shouldn't do. You shouldn't eat two meals a day. You tend to binge at dinner, and that's bad. Eat five meals a day. I'm not talking huge meals, but start with a light breakfast, a post-workout boost of protein (a shake, a banana, whatever), a light lunch, a late afternoon snack and dinner. I used to eat potato chips with lunch, but instead, now I eat fruit. It's better for you, fills you up more and helps keep you on track.

    Johnny, believe it or not, Healthy Choice makes some pretty tasty frozen dinners, so if you can't cook (or have to eat dinner quickly), they're a godsend. You say the portions are too small? Then you're probably letting yourself get too hungry before dinner. Keep a bag of nuts in your desk or work bag and snack during the afternoon. Moddy, nuts are fatty, but it's good fat, monounsaturated stuff. Heart-healthy fat, they like to call it. Just don't go overboard.

    This week, I made a crock pot of chili with ground turkey, tons of vegetables and some beans (good carbs, fiber, not sugar). I go home and nuke a bowl for dinner. Lasts for a week. No excuse to hit Jack in the Box for dinner.

    One last thing. Plan one day in the week where you can go off track. Have pizza on Saturday night or eat that dessert you've been craving all week. One, it gives you a little reward for busting ass and staying on track all week. And two, it kind of kicks in a guilt factor that makes you want to get back in the gym Monday.
  5. Sandy

    Sandy New Member

    Re: Take care of yourself (LiveSTRONG)

    Most prepared foods in the frozen aisle and the canned food aisle are loaded with sodium and full of cholesterol. Healthy Choice is no different, just less of each. You say the portions are too small?? Make a salad and add some hot bread to the meal to fill it out.
  6. SF_Express

    SF_Express Active Member

    Re: Take care of yourself (LiveSTRONG)

    There's some Lean Cuisine stuff (the Asian bowls are good, especially the teriaki steak) that's pretty good, too.

    I suppose it's mean to point out that when the old-timers complain that sports writers and editors used to have a great time and hit the bar afterward and formed great camaraderie and friendships -- basically, they worked hard and played hard -- but now they're more interested with drinking bottled water and eating tofu and working out, and it's ruined the business, that this is exactly what they're talking about. :)
  7. janetlynn

    janetlynn Member

    Re: Take care of yourself (LiveSTRONG)

    Johnny D:

    I think everyone should know how to cook at least a little bit. You can certainly make yourself sandwiches -- tuna and turkey are pretty straightforward. Learn to boil an egg, which is really easy -- put eggs in pot with water (should cover the eggs), and set to boil. They're done after about 25 minutes, and they're a really portable, low-cal, high protein component of a meal (but high in cholesterol -- don't eat too too many). You can do cook pasta, you can sautee chicken breasts, and with a little olive oil, chopped up tomatoes, and salt and pepper, you're eating something decent.

    The Joy of Cooking is an outstanding basic cookbook. It will tell you how to do everything -- from the most basic stuff (like making rice) to very fancy, impressing a date kind of meals (like risotto frutti di mare).

    I also believe, if you're cooking for yourself, you should plan to have extras, so invest in a little tupperware and you can take it for lunch or dinner the next day. And don't be afraid to cook with fat -- butter, cream, etc. Fat tastes good, and it's a hunger suppressant, and it won't kill you or even make you fat if you don't overdo it. I'd rather cook with butter than eat ice cream for dessert.
  8. goalmouth

    goalmouth Well-Known Member

    Re: Take care of yourself (LiveSTRONG)

    Watch out for those protein bars, some of them are have quite a bit of fat and /or sugar. Looked for baked ones, if you can find them, and keep a bunch withb you or in your desk.

    If you go carbs, try whole grains. They'll fill you up, they're slow-burning, you'll eat smaller portions and feel less hungry longer. White flour is a non-food.
  9. funky_mountain

    funky_mountain Active Member

    Re: Take care of yourself (LiveSTRONG)

    rachel ray is tasty in a commoner kind of way, since we're talking about food and all. i caught a 30-minute meal episode today. it was titled "clock and waistband friendly"
    pan seared shrimp and scallops and orzo with spinach and tomatoes.
    i don't have an unlimited budget like rachel, so skip the scallops and just do the shrimp. you can find shrimp at six, seven bucks a pound or cheaper (if you go frozen) these days, and you make can two meals - dinner and lunch the next day - out of this.

    to folks who think they're no good in the kitchen: it's really not that hard. am i rick bayless or jean-georges vongerichten? no. can i follow rachel ray's tasty recipe? yes.

    that sometimes dickhead bobby flay is awesome, but some of his dishes are simple and healthy. i'm going to give his charred corn and guacamole dip a try this weekend.
  10. 21

    21 Well-Known Member

    Re: Take care of yourself (LiveSTRONG)

    About those hard-boiled eggs mentioned above:  Just throw out the yellow stuff. Then you get pure protein, and you can eat 'em all day.

    As for cooking with butter and cream....that is definitely a matter of picking your poison.  A drop of butter in the pan to make an omelet is one thing; melting a big wad of butter over pasta is just a fast way to get fat.  Cream is pure fat/cholesterol; there are so many lighter ways to cook, if you're trying to lose weight.  

    A word about the Lean Cuisines; they are LOADED with sodium, which is terrible for anyone with heart problems.

    You're always better buying fresh food than packaged, even if it costs a little more....no preservatives, less fat/sodium.
  11. Cosmo

    Cosmo Well-Known Member

    Re: Take care of yourself (LiveSTRONG)

    I really, really wish I lived in a state where last call wasn't 12:45 a.m. On a Friday night, that's when I get out of the office. :(
  12. dooley_womack1

    dooley_womack1 Well-Known Member

    Re: Take care of yourself (LiveSTRONG)

    No doubt there are some good tips here on diet and such, but it's hard to listen to it due to the tone of it.

    Good gosh, what a narcissistic cult of self-love that is coming out here. For example, not to pick on Flag, but at the end of his post, he mentions about treating himself at the end of the week so he'll feel guilty enough to go back to the gym for his five days a week, because, he mentioned earlier, it makes him feel good about himself. So good about himself that he has to guilt himself into returning.

    Surely there has to be better and more productive obsessions that don't involve basing your worth on how much of an Adonis or Aphrodite you are. How shallow that is. The same thing I wonder about Dr. Phil I wonder about what's coming out here: Who would think less of, a racist or an overweight person? The question is barely rhetorical.
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