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Tampa Tribune

Discussion in 'Journalism topics only' started by reformedhack, Jun 6, 2011.

  1. Tarheel316

    Tarheel316 Well-Known Member

    Even before things got truly bad at Danville, I emailed Drew Wilson and said he must have known what was coming when he got out.
  2. Piotr Rasputin

    Piotr Rasputin New Member

    Today's "We're restructuring around a new business model!" is tomorrow's "Well, here's another round of layoffs."



    The photo at her blog and twitter is pretty appropriate.
  3. BitterYoungMatador2

    BitterYoungMatador2 Well-Known Member

    I'd completely forgotten this twit. I was hoping to keep it that way.
  4. reformedhack

    reformedhack Well-Known Member

    Getting the conversation back on track, I am told two people from Sports were dismissed in Monday's bloodletting -- one reporter, one desker. I have learned the reporter's name but will not share it until it otherwise becomes public; he covered everything in the pro sports realm. I don't yet know who the desker is, but I'm hoping a little birdie will tell me.
  5. Fran Curci

    Fran Curci Well-Known Member

    They cut a member of the copy desk? Didn't Media General just dump more production responsibilities on the sports desk in Tampa?
  6. reformedhack

    reformedhack Well-Known Member

    Yeah, this is what people on the inside have told me. Makes no sense to me, either, but nothing surprises me anymore about the decisions that come from 202 Parker Street.
  7. Rufino

    Rufino Active Member

    I find it amusing that the "lovely and talented" one didn't even go into journalism at all - she's in a mediocre law school. Worth fighting for, indeed.
  8. How is blowing a boss a "stupid mistake?"

    My bad. She reminds me of a woman I used to work with. Clueless as hell.

    I love how her dream job is at USA Today. You mean a sinking ship located out in beautiful McLean where you'd have to own a car to get to if you lived in the District? Have at it, idiot. After all, you know everything.
  9. Long on internships and short on real world experience. Still living off her parents' money, not a surprise she's in law school. It's what all the flunkies do when they're not paying their way and STILL haven't figured out what they want to do with their lives or think it's their golden ticket to success in life.

    After all, chicks like her are just waiting for a wealthy and handsome Prince Charming to sweep them off their feet and not necessitate working to support themselves. There's one on every fucking corner of the world, especially the East Coat.
  10. Versatile

    Versatile Active Member

    There are all sorts of unnecessary generalizations here about someone I would assume you've never met. She fucked up and made an ass out of herself.

    And for the record, name one newspaper that isn't a sinking ship.
  11. Mizzougrad96

    Mizzougrad96 Active Member

  12. mediaguy

    mediaguy Well-Known Member

    This thread has been badly hijacked. Not that it was good news at any point.
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