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Tasering at Phillies Game--Fair or Extreme?

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by 21, May 4, 2010.

  1. Boom_70

    Boom_70 Well-Known Member

    I say go for it. Philly can have some pretty unruly drunk fans. The cops have their work cut out for them. Would not want to see this as regular event but if it is a deterrent to future field visitors it is worth it.

    I would like to see the Philly Phanatic tasered.
  2. MileHigh

    MileHigh Moderator Staff Member

    Fair. Stay in your seat.
  3. playthrough

    playthrough Moderator Staff Member

    It won't be a deterrent. You'll have drunk people still going out there on a dare from their buddies that they can outrun a taser or somehow be immune to it.
  4. armageddon

    armageddon Active Member

    Deterrence is but one objective. Get 'em one by one if they keep running onto the field.
  5. Herbert Anchovy

    Herbert Anchovy Active Member

    Lots of people manage to get through life without being tasered or arrested at a sporting event.

    This is generally what you get for being a douchebag and a bad drunk.
  6. ucacm

    ucacm Active Member

    Couldn't you say this about any consequence for any action?

    "Why arrest the guy? It won't stop the next drunk from wanting to cause a scene. There have been hundreds of people arrested and charged with crimes for running on the field!"
  7. Drip

    Drip Active Member

    It's my turn. The cop didn't have to use the taser. The kid was going to get caught. However, you don't know what state of mind the did is in. Remeber those beatdowns by spectators a few years ago?
    Another thing, it's not a Philly thing. This same crap happens in New York, where I saw a guy jump from Yankee Stadium on the support screen, to LA where Morganna the Kissing Bandid planted a big one on Ron Cey and Steve Garvey in separate incidents.
    Let's Be Careful Out There.
  8. BB Bobcat

    BB Bobcat Active Member

    My first thought is that the security guys in Philly looked to be pretty fat and out of shape, which is why they couldn't catch him without the taser. It really didn't bother me that they did use the taser. The kid just seemed to fall down and then a moment later was up, walking off on his own power.

    Anyone here been tased? What's the big deal? How much worse is it than simply being tackled?
  9. Ace

    Ace Well-Known Member

  10. Second Thoughts

    Second Thoughts Active Member

    Security could just jump on him and beat the everloving crap out of whoever comes on the field, or a court. Which is worse?

    Want to make an idiot of yourself, you get what's coming.
  11. ucacm

    ucacm Active Member

    I've got a buddy that's a cop. He carries a taser on the job. Apparently, he had to get tased in order to carry the taser. He described it as extremely painful and nothing he wants to experience again.
  12. armageddon

    armageddon Active Member

    Right or wrong, some argue eating a can of pepper spray is just as bad. Fortunately, I haven't experienced either.
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