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Tasering at Phillies Game--Fair or Extreme?

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by 21, May 4, 2010.

  1. JC

    JC Well-Known Member

    Which has nothing to do with this discussion. How does the bombing in Times Square relate to a 17 year old jumping on the field at a Phillies game?
  2. JR

    JR Well-Known Member

    Except it wasn't a security guard, it was a cop who tasered the kid. They are supposedly trained to read situations properly. It's lazy police work and police departments in a lot of jurisdictions are treating it as such.
  3. 21

    21 Well-Known Member

    As far as i know, when a cop tells you to stop, and you don't stop, he is entitled to make you stop.
  4. Bubbler

    Bubbler Well-Known Member


    God am I tired of this line of thinking.
  5. Shoeless Joe

    Shoeless Joe Active Member

    Tase him. Twice.

    He had ample opportunity not to get zapped: first when he decided to enter the field and second when the five security people ordered him to halt and he kept running around.

    They should play a loop video of some asshole getting it on the Jumbotron at every sporting event with the caption "This is what you get."
  6. JC

    JC Well-Known Member

    I understand the point but are you saying the circumstances don't matter and the level of force doesn't matter? There was no danger he was surrounded and about to be tackled.

    Again, a taser is an alternative to deadly force not a tool to be used because you're an incompetant fat ass. Good thing he had a taser or I guess he would have shot him.
  7. JR

    JR Well-Known Member

    That's not the argument.

    The argument is whether in this instance the use of a taser was justified.

    The Mounties tried to use this "we had to control the situation" when they tasered and killed the Polish tourist in the Vancouver airport. Upon investigation there was nothing to justify its use and the cops were soundly reprimanded for essentially lazy police work.
  8. Starman

    Starman Well-Known Member

    Here's a picture from the White Sox case where the trailer-trash hillbillies jumped the KC Royals coach:



    Here's another picture of a spectator coming on the playing surface at a sporting event:


    Anybody coming onto the playing surface at a major sporting event (or a major public performance like a concert) should be immediately, instantly and utterly incapacitated by any means necessary or convenient that does not place other participants in mortal danger.

    That means tasers, rubber clubs, ball bats to the skull, it's all good. In any case the intruder should leave feet first on a stretcher.

    Anyone involved in the effort to incapacitate and remove any such intruders should be utterly and unconditionally immune from any legal consequences, regardless of the result upon the intruder, up to and including death.

    Stay in the god damn stands.
  9. JR

    JR Well-Known Member

    About time we had some Starman Justice.

    Now we know the use of the taser was unjustified. :)
  10. Dr. Howard

    Dr. Howard Member

    Few things irritate me as much as these imbeciles making their drunken run for glory. Mike Curtis remains one of my all-time heroes. If these putzes run on the field, zap 'em. Arrest them. Prosecute them. If they throw stuff from the stands, other fans need to out them (or did you not see the beer bottle come flying from the stands in Cleveland last night at the Celtics-Cavs game?), arrest them, prosecute them. There's no ending stupidity but make the price for being stupid one of pain.
  11. JC

    JC Well-Known Member

    I have no problem with this kid facing harsh consequences. I just think many of you are underestimating the danger of being tasered.
  12. D-3 Fan

    D-3 Fan Well-Known Member

    "Don't do what you're supposed to do, don't go where you shouldn't go."

    I find it amusing that the outrage isn't really over the Taser, but the fact that the kid is 17 years old. First of all, the cops didn't know he was 17 until they hauled his ass off the field.

    The longer that chase kept going, the more ridiculous it would have gotten. To contend an earlier comment on page 1 of this thread, not all cops are trigger-happy, and not all cops are Taser-happy either.

    The kid was tased once and that was sufficient to end the chase. A second tase or more would have been excessive.

    It was not extreme for it to happen.

    Fans will never get it: keep your ass in the stands. No one cares if you paid $$ to watch, boo, and get drunk at the game. But you never, ever, stop play by getting on a field, court, pitch, and rink and run around on a dare, bet, or for shits and giggles.

    No one should have a problem with what the Philly PD did, neither should the Phillies themselves.

    No one ever bitched about Mike Curtis clothes-lining that fan back in the day.
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