The Danza Slap is a class move. For veterans only, not to be attempted by rookies. I hope your son knows what he's doing there.
It is definitely available on DVD. I was given Season 2 as a gift and, believe it or not, haven't watched it yet because my DVD player has been acting up. Season 2 is the one with the best episode ever, the one you've all been referring to, when Reverend Jim takes the test. I can't wait to watch it, probably many times.
It really was funny. And I think Louie DePalma was one of the best sitcom characters ever. After Bobby Wheeler lost another acting gig, Louie called him, "Bobby DeZero".
I honestly think I lauighed whenever Jim Ignatowski was on the screen. Did you ever see the one where his father (played by Victor Buono) died and left Jim all his belongings, including his pants? So Jim has this conversation with the size 50+ pants and I'm laughing and crying at the same time. Taxi ranks up there for me with All In The Family, Seinfeld and Cheers as the funniest sit-coms ever, in my humble opinion.
Worked a retail job in a music store for many years. Whenever anyone got a decent performing gig that allowed them to quit the place, it was always referred to as "getting out of the garage".
On another note, the song "Taxi" by Harry Chapin is one of the all-time greats. So Taxi works as one of the greatest TV shows and songs. "What's Ignatowski?" "It's Flower Child spelled backwards." "No it isn't." "Oh."