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Teacher Opposed to Gay Marriage Could be Fired

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by sportbook, Aug 19, 2011.

  1. CarltonBanks

    CarltonBanks New Member

    Definition awaiters!
  2. printdust

    printdust New Member

    MSNBC knows what fuels ratings. Not the Maddows.
  3. Azrael

    Azrael Well-Known Member

    Still waiting.
  4. deskslave

    deskslave Active Member

    What was the gist of most of the posts here? That he was entitled to post what he wanted as long as he kept his beliefs out of the classroom?

    Uh yeah. About that.

    He was who we THOUGHT he was.

  5. Azrael

    Azrael Well-Known Member

    Saddle the dinosaurs!
  6. Dick Whitman

    Dick Whitman Well-Known Member

    My wife teaches at a public school. I'm frequently astounded at how often religion is openly advanced. She recently sat in on a job interview where her principal told the candidate that she had "prayed upon this interview all night."
  7. doctorquant

    doctorquant Well-Known Member

    I'm glad someone revived this thread, not specifically with regard to this teacher, but with regard to the public postings of certain people in certain jobs. I have a very good friend who's an investment advisor -- I don't know all the ins and outs of his licensing/business, but I do know that he advises clients (including another friend of mine) and either pulls the trigger on trades for them or something close to that. Anyway, he was saying the other day that another firm provides brokering and SEC oversight-type services to him. A while back that firm came to the conclusion that, as part of its oversight role, it would have to monitor social networking posts. So, my friend was told that if he wanted a personal facebook or twitter account, it would cost him $150 a month per account for extra oversight. Not surprisingly, my friend chose the "neither" option.
  8. waterytart

    waterytart Active Member

    SOP. Back in the day, all snail mail that came to the office was opened before it was given to you. Same idea.
  9. printdust

    printdust New Member

    So is the candidate contemplating suing her and God?
  10. printdust

    printdust New Member

    Schools here still have the "In God We Trust" posters in each room and...a moment of silence...not prayer but silence giving the choice to pray ... in classrooms.
  11. TheSportsPredictor

    TheSportsPredictor Well-Known Member

    Hope someone from the ACLU finds out.
  12. deskslave

    deskslave Active Member

    Moment of silence is fine. Pointless, but fine.

    We had one in HS in Georgia. I recall there was a script that someone read over the intercom every day, right before the Pledge of Allegiance.

    The other thing I recall from HS is that there were plenty of teachers who you knew were good Southern Baptist types. Hell, we had FCA, and that was led by a teacher. I'm sure there were a few who taught there who also went to the same church I did (yeah, that's right). But the thing I remember about most every one is that if you'd have come to them with a problem, no matter who you were, they'd have listened, non-judgmentally. They might well have later asked their Sunday School class to pray for you (and the couple times I've been to SS with my mother in recent years, that has happened), but if they knew you personally weren't interested in that, they wouldn't have mentioned it.

    And not a damn one of them would EVER have put out a syllabus that said "I believe in God. If you don't like it, you'd better transfer."
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