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Tebow to appear in Focus on the Family commercial during SB XLIV

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Herbert Anchovy, Jan 16, 2010.

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  1. It's neither morally nor logically indefensible.
  2. deskslave

    deskslave Active Member

    Check the surveys, you say? Gladly.


    And yes, this is a Wiki link. However, it is a citation of an Encylopaedia Brittanica entry; that entry is unfortunately behind a registration wall.

    So I make that nearly 15 percent of the world's population that is either out-and-out atheist or at the very least entirely indifferent to religion. Somewhere in the neighborhood of a billion people.

    16.1 percent of Americans, by the way, making it by far the second-most popular choice.
  3. PCLoadLetter

    PCLoadLetter Well-Known Member

    God I loathe abortion discussions, but this will drag me in for a moment...

    YF, that's actually the one stance I find least defensible.

    If abortion is the killing of an innocent child, how is that OK if it was incest or rape?

    In general terms, "pro-choice" people believe it is not really a baby until a certain point of the pregnancy, so to end the pregnancy before that point is not murder.

    "Pro-life" people believe it's a baby from the point of conception, so abortion is the murder of an innocent child.

    If a baby is the result of a rape, is it OK to kill it?
  4. Derek_W

    Derek_W Guest

    If your mother exercised the right you support, you would not be here to support that "right" today.

    There's no way around that issue for pro-choice people. It demonstrates the absurdity of supporting a right to abortion.
  5. deskslave

    deskslave Active Member

    That makes so little sense it's mind-boggling. You can no sooner argue that than you can argue that the Second Amendment requires everyone to own a gun.
  6. fishhack2009

    fishhack2009 Active Member

    You dismissed the "eye for an eye" thing because it's from Deuteronomy. Are there other parts of the Bible also easily dismissed?
  7. YankeeFan

    YankeeFan Well-Known Member

    I'm trying to get your side to make the trade. I've got to give in a little, right?

    I said I'd settle for that. I didn't say it's what I'd want in a perfect world.
  8. YankeeFan

    YankeeFan Well-Known Member

    I think you misunderstood me. I wasn't dismissing it because it was from the Old Testament, I was trying to say that it was a Biblically rooted concept.

    Sorry if that wasn't clear.

    Though, Jesus did put his own spin on it.
  9. deskslave

    deskslave Active Member

    Ah, so in your perfect world, a rape victim is required to carry her attacker's baby. That about right?
  10. That's not a valid argument. That's the equivalent of, "You'd want the death penalty if your wife was killed!"
  11. RickStain

    RickStain Well-Known Member

    It's not even that. The "you'd want X if Y happened" at least is possibly true, albeit irrelevant.

    This argument is several steps below. It quite literally makes no logical sense.
  12. PCLoadLetter

    PCLoadLetter Well-Known Member

    Well, politically, yeah. Morally, I'm not sure how I understand how you can make the trade.

    And ultimately, this is the dealbreaker for me, and why I'm pro-choice. I can't fathom forcing a rape victim to carry the child, which tells me that deep down I don't believe it's a baby for the first period of the pregnancy, and that people who are OK with that compromise don't either.
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