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Tebow to appear in Focus on the Family commercial during SB XLIV

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Herbert Anchovy, Jan 16, 2010.

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  1. YankeeFan

    YankeeFan Well-Known Member

    I realize that this is your attempt to demonize me and make me look like a Neanderthal.

    But as PCL said, you pretty much either find abortion acceptable or you don't. I don't.
  2. dixiehack

    dixiehack Well-Known Member

    Could we stipulate that in a perfect world there would be no rapes, nor crimes that require contemplating capital punishment?
  3. zeke12

    zeke12 Guest

    Shit like this is why I support the right to an education, even if everyone doesn't exercise it.
  4. deskslave

    deskslave Active Member

    See, and to me, one informs the other. I don't find it acceptable that a rape victim should be required to carry someone's baby against her will. Therefore, abortion has to be acceptable, if not desirable.
  5. Derek_W

    Derek_W Guest

    I don't have the time to get deeply involved in this thread, but that is not even close to being the equivalent. Whoever brought up the 2nd Amendment idea is coming from left field, too. The point is simply this: If your mother exercised the right you support -- the right to an abortion -- you would not be here to support that right today.

    Nothing more clearly illustrates the absurdity of it all. Support for a right to abortion depends on people refusing to exercise that so-called right.

    Support for the 2nd Amendment does not depend on people refusing to exercise the rights listed in that amendment.

    I can't even think of a similar comparison to the death penalty idea because, like I said, you didn't even bring up something close to being an equivalent.
  6. YankeeFan

    YankeeFan Well-Known Member

    Good point.
  7. Point of Order

    Point of Order Active Member

    I doubt you have the capacity to be deeply involved in anything.
  8. deskslave

    deskslave Active Member

    I have a right to kill myself*. My support for that right depends on my not exercising it.

    *Actually, yes, it is illegal, absurdly. I believe that is absurd. I believe everyone has the right to end their own life. And yet I cannot support that right if I exercise it.
  9. deskslave

    deskslave Active Member

    But in a perfect world, what role does Tim Tebow play?
  10. RickStain

    RickStain Well-Known Member

    It is true, but it illustrates no absurdity whatsoever. I'm not even sure how that's supposed to show any absurdity. I don't think you've actually thought through all the implications of what you are trying to say, you just think you've got some kind of vague "gotcha."

    If my mother had exercised her right not to have sex, I wouldn't be here. Does that prove that believing that women have the right to not have sex is absurd? If not, how is that different from what you said?
  11. YankeeFan

    YankeeFan Well-Known Member

    Savior & Redeemer? Oh, now you've got me doing it!
  12. deskslave

    deskslave Active Member

    See? It's fun! Now, say it with me: For Tebow's sake.
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