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Tebow to appear in Focus on the Family commercial during SB XLIV

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Herbert Anchovy, Jan 16, 2010.

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  1. BYH

    BYH Active Member

    Why do you hate Christianity? How dare you underestimate Tebow. Go fuck yourself.

    He'd fuck Superman WHILE circumcising him, you heathen. Burn in hell!!!!!!!

    Fun fact: Christianity quietly changed its name to Tebowanity last week.
  2. fishhack2009

    fishhack2009 Active Member

    Okay, now THAT was funny... :D
  3. forever_town

    forever_town Well-Known Member

    I haven't been too subtle in my dislike, nay, open resentment of Tim Tebow in the past.

    Now the gloves come off.

    Tebow can shove his faith up his ass. He's going to spend 30 seconds proselytizing during the Super Bowl for an organization that's a front for anti-gay bigots. Fuck him.
  4. Bodie_Broadus

    Bodie_Broadus Active Member

    That was fabulous.
  5. zagoshe

    zagoshe Well-Known Member

    That is very tolerant of you. I am very glad that diversity in your world is a one-way street......
  6. fishhack2009

    fishhack2009 Active Member

    Epic. Nice Dr. Laura clone, as well.
  7. Magic In The Night

    Magic In The Night Active Member

    Ah, Focus on the Family. Always good for some laughs. Don't forget this one, where they found the gay subtext in the movie "Happy Feet."

    During the December 11 edition of his Focus on the Family broadcast, FOF founder and chairman James Dobson hosted syndicated conservative radio host Michael Medved to discuss the film Happy Feet (Warner Bros., November 2006), an animated feature about penguins living in Antarctica during a period of environmental upheaval. Medved claimed that the film contains a "subtext, as there so often is, about homosexuality," prompting Dobson to wonder whether the filmmakers are "getting at the idea that homosexuality is genetic."

  8. forever_town

    forever_town Well-Known Member

    You're right. I'm intolerant. I'm intolerant of bigoted assholes and I'll continue to be that way as long as I wish.
  9. fishhack2009

    fishhack2009 Active Member

    Here's another one in the same vein:

  10. Ashy Larry

    Ashy Larry Active Member

    I realize you're all joking around and all...but it's getting kind of old and petty.
  11. JR

    JR Well-Known Member

    Oh, spare us that shit. We should be tolerant of that group's rampant intolerance and homophobia?

    There is no room for diversity in James Dobson's crackpot universe

    His group is also one that advocates beating your children when they fall out of line. In the name of God, apparently.
  12. fishhack2009

    fishhack2009 Active Member

    But enough about James Dobson...
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