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Tebow to appear in Focus on the Family commercial during SB XLIV

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Herbert Anchovy, Jan 16, 2010.

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  1. JackReacher

    JackReacher Well-Known Member

    YOU'RE a decent person? Come on, man. You're a Steelers fan. Or by "most of the time", you really mean "outside of football season"?

  2. Ashy Larry

    Ashy Larry Active Member

    excellent.....but I don't care if another person chooses to pray to a God. I don't think they're idiots, it's what they choose to do.

    I don't like being preached at by athletes either....but this thread went from talking about Tebow, which was fine with me, to targeting every religious person, and that's bullshit.
  3. imjustagirl

    imjustagirl Active Member

    You assume that someone who doesn't believe in god feels that their only purpose is to procreate. I don't believe in a higher power, and I never want to have children. I think we're all here to live life. NO more, no less. And part of that is to be good to others, to make others lives as great as you can WHILE YOU'RE HERE. No floating on clouds afterward...just the time you have here to make a difference to your friends and family, if not the larger good.
  4. zagoshe

    zagoshe Well-Known Member

    I got all the confirmation that God exists on the final weekend of the NFL season when the Texans came from way behind to beat the Patriots, and thus virtually ensure the Steelers would miss the playoffs..... ;D
  5. JackReacher

    JackReacher Well-Known Member

    I'm still in shock that this thread is still going at 14 pages.
  6. 2muchcoffeeman

    2muchcoffeeman Well-Known Member

  7. outofplace

    outofplace Well-Known Member

    Oh yeah. I got confused for a minute there. Thanks for helping me out.

    Now it all makes sense. Good people get their compassion from G-d, but us assholes are solely responsible for who and what we are. Wait...um....shit, I'm confused again. I wonder if I will get straightened out before the threadkiller completes his work.
  8. daemon

    daemon Well-Known Member

    I never said anything about proving God exists. Or Allah. Or Karma. Or some other metaphysical force that exists outside of the popular man-made religions.

    I was simply responding to an assertion that the suffering in Haiti provides proof that there is no such force. It's a cruel world. Earthquakes happen. We're born, we eat, we fuck, we die. All I said is that if that's the case, then there is no reason for compassion. And a "decent" human being is one who focuses all of his energy on his own survival. Anybody else is pretty foolish. I mean, you can convince yourself that you don't need any metaphysical basis to feel compassion. But it is pretty illogical.

    Shit like this fascinates me.
  9. Bodie_Broadus

    Bodie_Broadus Active Member

    I'm with you there.

    I think it is because no one has told anyone to fuck off...yet.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 1, 2015
  10. daemon

    daemon Well-Known Member

    No, I don't assume. That is how I understand Darwin's Theory of Evolution, which is in my opinion the most logical and fact-based explanation of how we came to be and where our inertia is taking us.

    Regardless, like I said, I didn't mean to knock this thread off course. I was just curious if BYH had given any real thought to his philosophy. Because it is a pretty child-like take, a catastrophic event proving the non-existence of a God. What if there is a God and he is inherently bad?
  11. imjustagirl

    imjustagirl Active Member

    OK, I will give you this: If people don't procreate, obviously the species dies out. But the way I read what you said was that if you don't believe in god, then that should be the only purpose you have. I disagree with that point.
  12. BYH

    BYH Active Member

    OK I can see why it would be a pretty child-like take, if it were my entire thesis. It's not. So here you go (not so much you as in the collective you). Advance apologies to anybody who doesn't give a shit. (And an advanced go fuck yourself to the piece of shit on 2.0 who says I bitch too much about this. Have fun dogging me on your sub board.)

    If there's a God, explain to me why my Mom--who never missed church, prayed every night, lived by the letter of the law Biblical and otherwise, never smoked, never drank, almost never cursed and took exquisitely good care of herself--died at 61 of a cancer that ravaged her body and left her unrecognizable over a horrible six-month span. Explain to me why she did everything right, and got the rawest of raw deals. Explain to me why she fought the cancer so hard, and prayed so hard, and had her family praying so hard, and got nothing but torture in return.

    Her prayers and the prayers of everyone around her fell on deaf fucking ears. Explain to me why I should believe in God, when she put all her faith in him--particularly when she needed him most--and got a slow, hideous death in return.

    You (again, the collective you) might think it's immature to look at one catastrophic event (my Mom's cancer) as proof God doesn't exist. I look at it as she spent her entire life living by this set of rules and hoping to impress him, and in the end he pulled the rug out from under her. I'm not asking for her to live forever, but there had to be a better reward for her service than what she got.

    Don't give me this "God has other plans for her" or the "she was needed for something else" jazz I've heard from people. Bullshit. She was needed down here--certainly by my sister and I, but particularly by my Dad, an only child whose parents died before he got married and who relied on my Mom for everything. Explain to me why my Dad--not quite as religious or as perfect as Mom, but someone who has still lived a correct life in the eyes of the church--has already endured more than anyone should have to endure and is still suffering so much more now, when he should be enjoying his twilight years instead of just counting down the days until he dies.

    And as for Haiti: If there's a God, explain to me why a kind and patient people are going thru what the Haitians are going thru now. Explain to me why a country that has already been ravaged by unimaginable poverty, yet whose inhabitants are famous for their faith, is going thru this.

    I am much closer to accepting the idea that there is a God and he is vengeful than I am that there's some kind of peaceful almighty pulling the strings. Because I can tell you, since that day last spring when I saw my mother hooked up to tubes so that she could stay alive long enough for us to say goodbye, that I am positive she put her faith in a lie.
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