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Tebow to appear in Focus on the Family commercial during SB XLIV

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Herbert Anchovy, Jan 16, 2010.

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  1. Peytons place

    Peytons place Member

    I just find in fascinating, because her story is that a Philippino doctor told her that abortion would be her best cause of action, and she went against his advice. I'm stunned that in a country where a doctor who performs an abortion can be imprisoned for years and lose their license, that another doctor would suggest she have one. Now, I'm interested in knowing if he suggested how she go about breaking the country's laws to obtain one, or if he just suggested she go back to the US and have one.
  2. Boom_70

    Boom_70 Well-Known Member

    It's not like the NFL has had a pro gay agenda
  3. Right, but Hondo is being passive-aggressive trying to say that there is no controversy here. Not wedge issue. Just a mom and her son innocently urging women to choose life. But the ad is backed by a political organization that peddles in hot-button wedge issues.
  4. tapintoamerica

    tapintoamerica Well-Known Member

    Couple of points here:
    1) I"ve got to believe the comment about FOTF paying full freight is right on the money, so to speak. CBS wouldn't be the first organization to change its philosophies when confronted with economic reality.
    2) The Tebow Story in particular is wonderful. The danger is in the ad's implication, which is that every woman in Tebow's predicament should make the choice she made. It's not that simple. Thankfully, it worked out for her. If everybody takes her advice, some will die.
    3) To those who defend FOTF and the spirit of the ad, I ask this: If your wife or girlfriend were to be in such a predicament and the continuation of the pregnancy seriously threatened her life, are you absolutely sure that both of you would immediately decline the abortion and proceed with the risk?
  5. Pastor

    Pastor Active Member

    Don’t be so sure of that… According to the NY Post:
    That was in response to a gay male dating site asking for ad space.

    I think what we have here is CBS and the NFL allowing one form of politics to be displayed and not another (even though the other isn’t really politics since it doesn’t involve gay marriage or any advocacy thereof).

    I have no problem with the Tebows telling a story that they want to tell. I’m not so convinced that the story is completely true, particularly with the information regarding the Philippines abortion laws. I find it more likely that one of the doctors said that having the child was risky due to illness but I don’t believe for one minute that a doctor advocated having an abortion knowing what was at risk. As I’m sure there once was a good lumberjack named Paul Bunyan, I don’t believe for a minute he was 100 feet tall and walked around with a blue ox.
  6. YankeeFan

    YankeeFan Well-Known Member

    C'mon. The article also states that the game isn't sold out.

    This group/company is doing exactly what a lot of people here accused FoTF of doing: proposing an ad they knew would get shot down in order to drum up publicity and sympathy.

    If Budweiser or Pepsi calls CBS today, they'd be able to buy another spot. So would Master Lock or any other company willing to pay full rate card.

    You can argue that the NFL/CBS should have accepted the ad, but as Boom pointed out, they don't have a pro-gay agenda.

    They know their audience would flip out if this ad aired. And their trying to duck the controversy by saying they haven't had time to review the ad. B.S. Someone's offering to pay millions of dollars for 30 seconds of time. I think you can make the time. And the game is still over a week away.

    But I think this story might put more heat on CBS/NFL. I wouldn't be surprised if, in the end, the FoTF/Tebow ad doesn't run as a direct result of this (and possibly more potential advertisers who do the same thing).
  7. Big Circus

    Big Circus Well-Known Member

    The ad is here! The ad is here! I love Doritos!

  8. Crash

    Crash Active Member

    So an organization that sent out a letter saying it was $6M in the hole is paying full freight for a $2.5M 30-second ad spot.

    FotF was looking for this to get shot down. I say let them run it, make them pay for it, and let them go bankrupt doing it.
  9. RedSmithClone

    RedSmithClone Active Member

    Whoever said it shouldn't be labeled as pro-life, but rather anti-abortion is right on the money.

    But whoever followed with (and it may be the same person) the truest terms for the matter are pro-choice and anti-abortion is dead wrong. The truest terms will cover the issue itself. That being said it is pro-abortion and anti-abortion.
    You can be personally against abortion and still belive that practice should be legal for any woman at any time. Unfortunately, some people feel the need to sugarcoat things like this with "pro-choice." If that makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside to not admit you are pro-abortion (keeping procedure legal) then what are you really fighting for?
  10. Trouser_Buddah

    Trouser_Buddah Active Member

    Funny. I've often compared pre-marital sex to an explosion at the White House.
  11. hondo

    hondo Well-Known Member

    Doesn't matter now. The controversy has insured the Tebow's story has been out there. I'm sure Focus on Family is sending thank-you cards to NOW and some of the media for the free publicity.
  12. Pastor

    Pastor Active Member

    No, the article states a claim by ManCrunch.com that the game’s ad time isn’t sold out. It does NOT have a quote from CBS/NFL on that.

    Maybe. I'm not arguing that it isn't. I'm only pointing out the obvious fact regarding the hypocrisy.

    You are making an assumption. What evidence do you have stating that there is advertising time left?

    I'm not arguing that it should or shouldn't. I'm pointing out hypocrisy.

    What makes you think the audience will flip out. Personally, I think the audience, which draws a lot of women, would either (a) not care or (b) mock the cheasiness of it.

    Again, I'm not so sure about any of that.

    If they have already agreed and their excuse on the second ad is that there isn't any time slot available, then why would they back out? As you say, the FoTF ad is paid for already.
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