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Tell me again why we should believe Al Gore

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by Evil Bastard (aka Chris_L), Aug 12, 2006.

  1. Norman Stansfield

    Norman Stansfield Active Member

    old tony sucks donkey balls.
  2. old_tony

    old_tony Well-Known Member


    "At your service."

    "This is from ... Mathilda."

  3. dog428

    dog428 Active Member

    I'm thinking there are two possibilities for Tony: Either he's younger than 20 or he's babblehead.

    Because only one or the other could make the mind-blowing argument that global warming ain't bad because it means we ALL get to live like Florida.

    Or his other smash out of the park: Warmer temps mean longer growing seasons, because, you know, crop rotation and growing cycles and supply and demand have nothing to do with farming. It's all about warm weather, baby.

    Call me crazy, Tony, but if the choices here are you or the panel of scientists selected by Congress to research global warming, I think I'll take the scientists.
  4. old_tony

    old_tony Well-Known Member

    That's all well and good. But if it's such a serious problem, then unless you stop driving your car, you're a hypocrite. You'll be in good company with Algore, though, although you probably don't own a whole buch of polluting businesses like he does. But then you can dream, can't you?

    As for who will take what, I'll take common sense. The earth will warm, the earth will cool, the earth will go on and no one will really notice much of a difference. They can't even get the forecast right for three days from now but you think they can for the next 10-20 years. I hope you put better reporting and research into your articles.
  5. Norman Stansfield

    Norman Stansfield Active Member

    Ann Coulter sucks the sweat off the donkey balls that old tony sucks.
  6. old_tony

    old_tony Well-Known Member

    What I find hilarious is how the liberals here rail on Coulter when the female columnists they have on their side are the likes of Eleanor Clift and Julianne Malveaux.

    Hey Stansfield. Leon is knocking at your door.

    Stansfield to Old Tony: "I'm dying to meet him."
  7. dog428

    dog428 Active Member

    I'm thinking I might've given you too much credit in the age department.

    "The earth will warm, the earth will cool, the earth will go on and no one will really notice much of a difference."

    With great little summations like this, I'm seriously wondering how it was you didn't receive an invitation from Congress to come on up and put their minds at ease.

    An obvious oversight on their part.
  8. old_tony

    old_tony Well-Known Member

    So you're telling me that even though it's happened all through earth's history it's done happening now? Just to stop you from guessing, I'm closer to 90 than having been born. See if you can figure out how old that makes me.
  9. dog428

    dog428 Active Member

    Oh, well in that case, I obviously made a helluva mistake by assuming there's a inarguable link between age and intelligence.

    I stand corrected.
  10. old_tony

    old_tony Well-Known Member

    So I'm stupid because you refuse to admit that the earth has always cooled and warmed in cycles? Wow, I wonder what color the sky is in your world. I gotta get my hands on whatever you're smoking.
    I gather you make "a helluva mistake" pretty often. Here's your homework assignment for the night: Prove that the earth hasn't cooled and warmed in cycles throughout the centuries. Actually, I'll do the homework for you. The correct answer is it has always cooled and warmed in cycles. If it stopped doing that, I'd be a lot more worried.
  11. dog428

    dog428 Active Member


    From my earlier post:

    Their conclusions were meant to address, and they lent credibility to, a well-known graphic among climate researchers _ a "hockey-stick" chart that climate scientists Michael Mann, Raymond Bradley and Malcolm Hughes created in the late 1990s to show the Northern Hemisphere was the warmest it has been in 2,000 years.

    It had compared the sharp curve of the hockey blade to the recent uptick in temperatures _ a 1 degree rise in global average surface temperatures in the Northern Hemisphere during the 20th century _ and the stick's long shaft to centuries of previous climate stability.

    Now, go away.
  12. old_tony

    old_tony Well-Known Member

    See, shit like that just doesn't cut it. Some guys make up a graph in the late 1990s and claim that the Northern Hemisphere is the warmest it's been in 2000 years. Considering the fact that the first real mercury thermometer was invented (should I spoil it for you?) by Gabriel Fahrenheit in 1714, how can these ass-hats claim to know anything about how warm the Northern Hemisphere was or wasn't before then? It's all just speculation, and it's speculation with a political agenda. You'd like me to go away because you know you can't answer the questions, but since global warming is your religion, you can't open your mind to question it. Just keep bowing down to it and you think you'll feel better. The truth will set you free, and the only way you'll get there is to admit that no one has any idea if the Northern Hemisphere is the warmest it's been in 2000 years.

    Here's some help:
    The first mercury thermometer
    Gabriel Fahrenheit (1686-1736) was the first person to make a thermometer using mercury. The more predictable expansion of mercury combined with improved glassworking techniques led to a much more accurate thermometer.
    Fahrenheit - the first Standard Thermometer Scale
    Fahrenheit used the newly discovered fixed points to devise the first standard temperature scale for his thermometer. Fahrenheit divided the freezing and boiling points of water into 180 degrees. 32 was chosen as the the figure for the lower fixed point as this produced a scale that would not fall below zero even when measuring the lowest possible temperatures that he could produce in his laboratory - a mixture of ice, salt and water. It is sometimes suggested that Fahrenheit divided his scale into 100 degrees using blood temperature (incorrectly measured) and the freezing point of water as fixed points - this is not true. The Fahrenheit scale is still in use today.

    All I'm asking any of you global warming priests to do is open your mind. Use your common sense and know that nobody knows what the hell the temperature was on any given day until at least the 1700s and that anyone making blanket statements such as the Northern Hemisphere is the warmest it's been in 2000 years is talking through his ass. I'm open to the possibility that there could be global warming. But common sense tells me that the current claims are full of shit simply because they know there's no way they can tell us what the temps were for 1700 years of their 2000-year claim. Use your minds, people.
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