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Texas baseball coach doesn't recruit in Colorado

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Flip Wilson, Mar 1, 2018.

  1. Dick Whitman

    Dick Whitman Well-Known Member

    You guys managed to turn a perfectly good discussion about mary jane into a high-speed rail policy minutiae debate.

    LongTimeListener likes this.
  2. Slacker

    Slacker Well-Known Member

    That high-speed-rail money ought to be used for STAMPING OUT ABORTION!!!!11!!!1!!!!
    HanSenSE and wicked like this.
  3. poindexter

    poindexter Well-Known Member

    Listen, bub - I spent five pages yesterday reading about the Chicago Bears' incredibly pedestrian depth at running back in the Super Bowl era during a Hall of Fame discussion thread yesterday, so we all have our own crosses to bear.
  4. Dick Whitman

    Dick Whitman Well-Known Member

    You clicked on a Bears thread!

    I click on a marijuana thread then, goddamnit, I expect to read about marijuana.
    Stoney and poindexter like this.
  5. wicked

    wicked Well-Known Member

    I enjoy derailing conversations.
    Inky_Wretch likes this.
  6. swingline

    swingline Well-Known Member

    Well, sir, there's nothing on earth
    Like a genuine,
    Bona fide,
    Monorail! ...
    What'd I say?
    Ned Flanders: Monorail!
    Lyle Lanley: What's it called?
    Patty & Selma: Monorail!
    Lyle Lanley: That's right! Monorail!
    (crowd chants "Monorail" softly and rhythmically)
    Miss Hoover: I hear those things are awfully loud.
    Lyle Lanley: It glides as softly as a cloud.
    Apu: Is there a chance the track could bend?
    Lyle Lanley: Not on your life, my Hindu friend.
    Barney: What about us brain-dead slobs?
    Lyle Lanley: You'll all be given cushy jobs.
    Grampa: Were you sent here by the devil?
    Lyle Lanley: No, good sir, I'm on the level.
    Chief Wiggum: The ring came off my pudding can.
    Lyle Lanley: Take my pen knife, my good man.
    I swear it's Springfield's only choice...
    Throw up your hands and raise your voice!
    All: Monorail!
    Lyle Lanley: What's it called?
    All: Monorail!
    Lyle Lanley: Once again...
    All: Monorail!
    Marge: But Main Street's still all cracked and broken!
    Bart: Sorry, Mom, the mob has spoken.
    Della9250, Batman, HanSenSE and 2 others like this.
  7. Donny in his element

    Donny in his element Well-Known Member

    It did put fucking North Haverbrook on the map.
    Batman likes this.
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