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That's what Grey's Anatomy is supposed to be like

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by Jim Tom Pinch, Sep 29, 2006.

  1. ballscribe

    ballscribe Active Member

  2. Shaggy

    Shaggy Guest

    Why was George's girl dancing in the basement in her underwear? What the hell was she doing that for?

    It was sexy and all, but kind of random. Did I miss something?
  3. imjustagirl2

    imjustagirl2 New Member

    That's where she lives.
  4. Baloo

    Baloo Member

    I totally agree - when the show ended, I thought, this is why I watch it. OK, that's not entirely true, when the show ended, my first thought was that Addison deserved better - she put so much work into rebuilding the marriage, and then the writers decide to have her call McCheaty that fast. Also, it gave McDreamy way too easy of an out from feeling guilty about hooking up again with Meredith.

    But overall, thumbs up to the episode, especially after the lukewarm premiere. Bailey is back on form, Yang was good, ditto Karev.
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