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The Amazing Race - 2011-12

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by WolvEagle, Sep 25, 2011.

  1. Iron_chet

    Iron_chet Well-Known Member

    Good episode.

    I really enjoyed the twins complete and sincere glee with the elephant speed bump. Those moments in the race when it seems a racer is in the moment rather than the competition are great to see.

    Mixed feelings on the revelation of the snowboarders Jesus love. It may have been a bit forced but I was turned off at the arrogance of the "true god" stuff and seeming lack of respect at the temple.

    The sailing dad did not cover himself in glory when he went on about wisdom with age, etc, etc and then ignored the suggestion to take notes at the temple.

    My favorite episode so far.
  2. Inky_Wretch

    Inky_Wretch Well-Known Member

    I don't know if the twins got those free rides because they were cute and blonde or if because there was a TV cameraman with them. Folks will do nice things if they think it'll get them on TV.
  3. Iron_chet

    Iron_chet Well-Known Member

    I realize evangelicals are compelled to speak about their faith, just did not think it was appropriate to make comments about "the true god" while at the temple of another faith.
  4. schiezainc

    schiezainc Well-Known Member

    I agree. I've got them in this pool and even I had a hard time rooting for them this week. I don't mind people being religious but saying "I believe in the one true god" is a bit obnoxious when you're at a temple of a different religion in a different country.

    I hope this doesn't turn into a Jesus-fest with these two. Otherwise I might have to root heavily (Even more than I am now) for the grandparents.
  5. Huggy

    Huggy Well-Known Member

    Yeah, that first cabbie who gave them a freebie seemed to be enjoying that just a bit too much.

    Every season here seems to be at least one episode where money - or lack of same - becomes an issue for one or more teams.
  6. imjustagirl

    imjustagirl Active Member

    We are no longer the same person.
  7. imjustagirl

    imjustagirl Active Member

    I didn't care about the team.

    Referring to a gay couple as "flamers?" Uncool.
  8. TigerVols

    TigerVols Well-Known Member

    Oh, I thought that was Evangelical-speak for hell-bound heathens.
  9. imjustagirl

    imjustagirl Active Member

    Pool 1:
    schieza: 31
    DrewWilson: 20
    IJAG: 18
    JayFarrar: 16
    Iron_Chat: 15
    MTM: 15
    * bumpy mcgee: 4
    *Wenders: 1

    Pool 2:
    bydesign: 31
    beanpole: 20
    StormSurge: 18
    KYSW: 16
    Pete: 15
    SpeedTchr: 15
    TigerVols: 12
    * Huggy: 4
    *ArnoldBabar: 1

    * = TAR team has been eliminated from the show
  10. bigbadeagle

    bigbadeagle Member

    The twins grew on me. And not just because they registered on the kind of hot meter. Love why they were in the race and love how they relished the elephant stuff. Would like to see more contestants just enjoy the splendor of the world around them while they're racing.
    Always liked the geezers from the beginning. Don't think they'll win. But I think they could make it to the end.
  11. WolvEagle

    WolvEagle Well-Known Member

    Ah, another nonelimination leg. Still, an enjoyable episode. Those were some tough, really neat tasks. Having all those guys in the warehouse cheering you on must have been cool - same for all those kids. There were some neat "in the moment" scenes.
  12. Inky_Wretch

    Inky_Wretch Well-Known Member

    Seems like a lot of non-elimination legs. What is it, three now?
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