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The Amazing Race - 2011-12

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by WolvEagle, Sep 25, 2011.

  1. imjustagirl

    imjustagirl Active Member

    Why in the world do you know what date they taped???? :D
  2. lisa_simpson

    lisa_simpson Active Member

    Because that information is not at all hard to come by if you know where to look.
  3. imjustagirl

    imjustagirl Active Member

    I guess it was more like "I didn't say it was a CBS person who replied, I just said they didn't show the replier's Twitter handle, so why are you getting all pushy about it" kind of response.
  4. SkiptomyLou

    SkiptomyLou Member

    I'm curious, but what clearance do you mean? Like signing a release? Does that mean everybody whose face is in teh background has to sign a waiver?
  5. Mizzougrad96

    Mizzougrad96 Active Member

    Just about every season of this show, spoilers get out there because people in airports or in the cities where they tape see some of what happens go down. I know of a few instances where it makes the paper, the biggest of which was during the all-stars season when there were internet reports that Rob and Amber were not in the game during what was assumed to be the fifth stage of that season, which was surprising since they won the first three weeks and then went out in Week 4. It was all over the net that they were gone that week, even before it happened.

    If you look hard enough, you can usually find out who the winner of Amazing Race is before it airs. I haven't watched in a few years, but it's a harder one to keep a secret because so much of it is filmed (more or less) in the public...
  6. NDub

    NDub Guest

    I've never seen this show, and I missed it last night. I can probably catch online or jump in next week, right? I'm curious.
  7. lisa_simpson

    lisa_simpson Active Member

    Everybody who actually interacts with the Racers is asked to sign a release, yes. You'll notice that sometimes, individuals' faces are blurred out - those are people who did not agree to grant WRP the rights to show their faces on TV, for whatever reason.

    I'm aware of that. I was simply pointing out that if a skeptic (or a conspiracy theorist) wanted to go back and check, it's quite clear that it wasn't anyone from CBS or the Race who put the guy on the right track. Though the production staff was aware of the situation, and had the passport not been returned, Kaylani and Lisa would have been booted at the airport. Despite WRP's best efforts, lots of spoilers leak (the person who caught Ryan tweeting basically spends hours upon hours tracking each Race as its being run and compiling all the information available) and if you were inclined to find that info, it's not hard. I could tell ya when and where the Race ended, too. But no, I don't know who wins.

    Jumping in next week wouldn't be too difficult, since no one got eliminated, but I believe this is one of the shows that CBS streams online, yes. At the very least, you'll be able to pick up all you need to know from the video highlights posted to the CBS site.
  8. Wenders

    Wenders Well-Known Member

    NDub, the entire episode is available on CBS.com right now. *grumbles about DVR not recording two out of her three programs last night*

    Nope. Once you commit to doing a Road Block, you're stuck. You cannot switch, no matter how long you've been there. As for first-episode Road Blocks, this one was fairly easy, physically. It didn't involve pushing around bales of hay.
  9. NDub

    NDub Guest

    Thanks for the heads up everyone.

    Is there a renowned "best" season of this show? I know it's been on for about a decade and won a lot of awards. I did some research and it sounds like it's had some really good seasons.
  10. Pete

    Pete Well-Known Member

    I'd be up for the "fantasy" league if there's still a spot. Big AR fan.
  11. MTM

    MTM Well-Known Member

    I HATE non-elimination legs. They evoke the reason many Americans don't like soccer ---- we want a result.

    The old folks came in seemingly hours after anyone else, and their only punsihment is going to be something like having to sit on a bench for 5 minutes.

    Next week's double elimination could be fun, however.
  12. Point of Order

    Point of Order Active Member

    The season with the kentucky hicks, the auburn fan couple, the first go round of the goths was my favorite. I swear I thought that stringy hillbilly from kentucky must smack his woman up. Every time she'd start messing up she'd get scared to death like he was going to literally kill her.
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