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The Amazing Race - Season 20

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by WolvEagle, Feb 16, 2012.

  1. bumpy mcgee

    bumpy mcgee Well-Known Member

    I thought my team was done, especially when they threw out the 'Don't want to quit for my kid,' kiss of death.
  2. WolvEagle

    WolvEagle Well-Known Member

    Dodged a bullet in the SJ pool last night - Mark and Bopper stayed in because it was a nonelimination leg.

    What Art and JJ did for them twice - wow. Yes, telling them to go back to the travel agency hurt them, but it was the right thing to do. And at the mat, that was really, really, really cool. Even though Art and JJ are cocky, I now really want them to succeed. That was such a cool thing to do to give up some of their prize money.

    And, the "Big Brother" couple has got to go. I was so hoping they'd quit the race. I'm sick of their attitudes.
  3. txsportsscribe

    txsportsscribe Active Member

    no, no, no. i want them in til the finale as long as they don't win in the end and they don't get any first-place prizes for the individual legs of the race. that way we get to watch rachel be tormented! i'm loving it every time she gets upset and loses it.
  4. imjustagirl

    imjustagirl Active Member

    For some reason, my DVR didn't record this last week while I was out of town. I'm watching it online right now and will update standings as of last week, then do tonight's later.
  5. imjustagirl

    imjustagirl Active Member

    Side note: I don't even think Rachel was as bad on this as she was on BB. her meltdowns there were worse because they weren't even FOR anything.
  6. imjustagirl

    imjustagirl Active Member

    You know, I read this, and it still didn't prepare me. I got a little choked up watching that...


    Week 4
    Pool 1:
    MTM 55
    Huggy 28
    WolvEagle 18
    bumpy 18
    IJAG 16
    * TigerVols 9
    * DrewWilson 5
    * beanpole 1

    Pool 2:
    Iron_Chet 55
    Inky 28
    Jay Farrar 22
    schieza 18
    KYSW 18
    Liesl 18
    * Wenders 9
    * BNWriter 1

    * = Team eliminated from TAR
  7. lisa_simpson

    lisa_simpson Active Member

    I was so hoping that Brendan would fracture something after slipping on the mat and be forced to bail out of the Race. Alas, no such luck.
  8. imjustagirl

    imjustagirl Active Member

    Scoring below:

    Week 5:
    Pool 1:
    MTM 73
    Huggy 32
    bumpy 24
    WolvEagle 21
    * IJAG 17
    * TigerVols 9
    * DrewWilson 5
    * beanpole 1

    Pool 2:
    Iron_Chet 73
    Inky 32
    Liesl 25
    Jay Farrar 24
    KYSW 24
    schieza 21
    * Wenders 9
    * BNWriter 1
  9. WolvEagle

    WolvEagle Well-Known Member

    Man, oh man, can anyone catch Art and JJ?

    And, that was really cool to see Mark and Bopper having so much fun at the speedbump - and still not finish last.
  10. TigerVols

    TigerVols Well-Known Member

    I was a little pissed off about last night's epi. Art & JJ started at 9:3something in the morning. Team Kentucky started at 6:something at night -- a 9 HOUR head start on the last-placed team...with the others spread out with about an hour between each team, according to the beginning clock. And what happens? Yep, they all end up at a only-one-train situation (or maybe all waiting for the beard place to open, I don't recall for sure), all grouped back up together.

    That just seems like the producers are gameplaying.
  11. lisa_simpson

    lisa_simpson Active Member

    It actually wasn't all of the teams if memory serves - I think the first three made an earlier transfer at Innsbruck, and the rest got stuck. Bunches are going to happen, because the production staff NEEDS them to happen - they can't let teams get too far behind, but conversely, they also need to stay enough ahead of the leaders so that Phil can do his shoots and move on to the next location.
  12. MTM

    MTM Well-Known Member

    I understand it's necessary to even up the field, especially when moving from country to country and when long travel, such as the 10-hour train ride, are involved.

    But it does stink that a team that was so bad it finished nine hours behind the leader, and two hours behind last place -- and was saved by a nonelimination -- is given all the time back.

    And sometime those teams actually benefit, as they were at the pit stop while others are stuck waiting in a train station or airport.

    Maybe the nonelimination legs can be placed where the losers aren't given such an advantage.
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