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The Biggest LOOSER -- running weight loss thread

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by The Big Ragu, Mar 18, 2010.

  1. HC

    HC Well-Known Member

    Beef ... well done, son! Feels good, doesn't it? :)
  2. Beef03

    Beef03 Active Member

    Absolutely :)
  3. bigpern23

    bigpern23 Well-Known Member

    It's been over a year since I lost my weight, but I still get a kick out of the little things that are enjoyable about being in shape. Went to buy some clothes on Saturday for the first time in forever and saw a pair of khakis I liked. Plucked them off the rack held them up and thought to myself, damn, these are huge. Then I saw the tag and they were a 34-inch waist. I used to be a 38. That made me smile (I wear a 31 or 32 now, depending on brand and style).

    Oh, and one of the shirts I bought was a small. Two years ago, I never would have thought I'd fit into a small (hell, even today, I'm surprised it fit, because I'm not really a small guy).
  4. Matt1735

    Matt1735 Well-Known Member

    Congrats, Big Pern!

    I'm back on it. Lost 8 pounds in September. Got 17 more to go to hit my goal by the end of the year.
  5. friend of the friendless

    friend of the friendless Active Member

    Sirs, Madames,

    I was down to 166 on the weekend. (That's from 209 a year ago and probably 215 a month before that back when I was afraid to weigh myself.) I've actually stopped trying to lose weight. Don't miss meals or cheat myself on portions. I bought clothes when I was in the mid-170s, gone from a XL to a M in some things. For my 55th birthday my missus got me a training session with a swim coach who has trained a bunch of Olympians and a couple of medalists. He put me on a program that has me swimming a bit longer (60 minutes rather than 45 X 4 or 5 days a week) and with more resistance/strength work (gloves in the pool, catch-ups, etc). It not only made a huge difference in my mechanics but in my metabolism. I'm now having to eat to keep my weight up. I'm not eating bread or fries or any manner of starch or egg yolks or beer--I've stuck with that part of my weight loss program. But I'm eating a ton of fresh vegetables, some high-fibre stuff, cottage cheese and low fat (though not no-fat) yogurt. It's a bitch to get a suit that fits--everything taken in in the legs and waist.

    YHS, etc
  6. HC

    HC Well-Known Member

    Dear fotf

    Nicely done sir.

  7. Gomer

    Gomer Active Member

    FOTF, why not no-fat yogurt? Is it a preference or is no-fat worse for you? I always buy the no-fat stuff now, actually starting to like honey-flavoured Greek yogurt which is supposed to be good for you as well.
  8. friend of the friendless

    friend of the friendless Active Member

    Mr G,

    I use skim milk for cereal but low fat yogurt because I figure I wanted to cut down dairy fat but not cut it out completely. And if it's no fat I might be tempted to eat more.

    Silly answer but it's all I got. It's working tho.

    YHS, etc
  9. Oggiedoggie

    Oggiedoggie Well-Known Member

    Well, I'm finally back to below where I was more than a year a go when I finished a Weight Watcher's program cycle at about 182. (Topped out at about 208)

    Today at the doctor's office, I weighed in at 180 (The nurse said it was like about 179.75, but she had to round it up. (She wouldn't let me take my pants off.))

    My new secret? Braces on my lower teeth and a bite limiter to keep the brackets from striking a dental implant in my upper jaw. And I got one of the bikes out of the barn and am trying to ride laps at a local park 45 minutes to an hour every day. In about a month, I'm down 15 pounds.

    I used to bike a lot, so everything I need to ride is in boxes.

    No excuses, now.
  10. KG

    KG Active Member

    Getting pregnant has worked wonders for losing weight. I eat more frequent but small healthy meals. I can't eat greasy stuff and I can't over stuff, because both tend to make an instant reappearance. I lost 20 pounds in the first trimester. Too bad I didn't eat this way before.
  11. old_tony

    old_tony Well-Known Member

    First entry on this thread.

    Went out about five weeks ago and bought a NordicTrak treadmill on sale at Sears. If I'm going to justify the purchase price ($579 down from $899) I have to get on it five times a week. Last three nights walked 5 miles each. Since buying it and starting on Oct. 22 I've walked 92.5 miles and have lost about seven pounds.

    It faces the TV in the living room so there are no excuses. Started at 218, down to 211 and shooting for the 170s (maybe even less) by spring. Even been able to throw in some 12 minute/mile jogging for a few minutes but don't want to subject my knees to too much jogging at this weight. Hope to start the jogging/running at lighter weights, but I figure this is a decent start.

    Meanwhile, sounds like a lot of you are doing great things. Keep it up.
  12. Matt1735

    Matt1735 Well-Known Member

    Congrats o_t! Great start.

    It's awesome you are on the treadmill that often. The bigger key to actual weight loss is all about nutrition. Watch what you eat and how much of it and then you'll have great success.
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