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The blues

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by Pringle, Jul 24, 2006.

  1. Boom_70

    Boom_70 Well-Known Member

    Fenian you never told us the 3rd thing to do in Indy
  2. Boom --.
    I was looking to you for the answer and you delivered. The Chatterbox will see me on my next trip.
  3. Boom_70

    Boom_70 Well-Known Member

    Gotcha - if you want to know some clubs in Washington Heights now that you know where it is, I can help you there as well.
  4. You are the mapQuest of good tunes... and a lot easier to understand.
  5. lono

    lono Active Member

    Yeah, Fenian, you're right. I saw Buddy Guy one night and he just phoned it in - short set, predictable set list, cliched solos. It was one of the most disappointing shows I've ever seen.
  6. Rambler

    Rambler Member

    I've seen Buddy many times. His annual January shows at his club are always pretty strong. There's nothing like seeing him in that setting. And he likes to hang out there and is very approachable and a great, uh, guy. His brother Phil plays the House of Blues (Chicago) small stage quite often and is very good.
    Buddy opened for the Stones in '99 at the United Center and venues that size are too large for his act.
    Lonnie Brooks is a personal favorite of mine. His son, Ronnie Baker Brooks, plays a MEAN guitar.
    I also like Alvin "Youngblood" Heart, Muddy, Thorogood and, at the risk of sounding cliche, I love Robert Johnson's recordings.
  7. Boom_70

    Boom_70 Well-Known Member

    Lets not forget Bonnie Rait - who can belt out the Blues with the best of them ,

    Obscure but favorite of mine - Blind Mississippi Big Feets Dupree- plays a lot of small clubs.
  8. jay_christley

    jay_christley Member

    I can't get into Buddy's stuff on CD, but he's pretty amazing live every time I've seen him.
    Props on the cat who brought up RL Burnside.
    Our music guy got me onto Rory Gallagher, who's pretty amazing. Irish blues. Great guitar.
  9. 2muchcoffeeman

    2muchcoffeeman Well-Known Member

    I would put jazz right up there, especially once Miles Davis started experimenting.
  10. Personally I think "It never rains in Southern California" was Toni Tony Tone!'s best song, but "The Blues" is definitely a close second.
  11. Janie_Jones

    Janie_Jones Member

    Speaking of Robert Johnson, the lyric that always gets to me (an Illinoisan, Chicago-born) is his "Back to that land of California, to my sweet home Chicago." Doesn't have the weird juju of his other great lines, and may well have been simply bad geography. But I like to think he's using California as a metaphor, for something like a land of milk and honey. To him (and to me), that meant (means) Chicago. Always found that sort of touching.
  12. jay_christley

    jay_christley Member

    Robert Johnson's "I love my baby, but my baby don't love me" was the line that hooked me into the blues back in the day.
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