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The Bronx is Burning

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by Songbird, Jul 9, 2007.

  1. doubledown68

    doubledown68 Active Member

    The guy playing Reggie needed to add 20 pounds of muscle.. you could tell how much skinnier he was when they cut to the real clip of reggie taking away the smoke bomb. But he had that vicious cut down pretty well.

    And forgive my ignorance of all things Yankee, but I had no idea that Munson's locker remains empty. That's one hell of a tribute.
  2. hondo

    hondo Well-Known Member

    Thurman Munson: better human being in death then he was in life.
  3. The Big Ragu

    The Big Ragu Moderator Staff Member

    Did you have a bad personal experience with him?
  4. DanOregon

    DanOregon Well-Known Member

    Hats off to ESPN - I thought it was the best thing they've done since Playmakers. Had to say it was tough seeing John McSherry out there on the mound during a Dodger pitching change, but I really enjoyed how much of the actual archive material they included esp. Keith Jackson and Howard Cosell, Vic Davallio, Reggie Smith, the Penguin et. al.
    Who were the three pitchers Reggie homered off off? Charlie Hough and who else?
  5. doubledown68

    doubledown68 Active Member

    Loved how Lasorda asked McSherry what he would do. It's the question of a man who knows he's boned.
  6. Herbert Anchovy

    Herbert Anchovy Active Member

    Consider the Hooton/Lasorda dialogue, run in the bloated series, and so many other things, ABC's allimony payment.

  7. mike311gd

    mike311gd Active Member

    I agree with what you said about the last episode. I only saw three or four episodes, but I was expecting a lot more for the finale. I didn't like how they left Martin's character hanging like that. I wasn't looking for a fictional, happy ending. But I wanted to see more than a little blurb about his death.
  8. D-3 Fan

    D-3 Fan Well-Known Member

    And Bill White wasn't that fat during the post-game interview in the locker room. Horrible casting job.

    I give it a B-/C+, it wasn't perfect nor was it dull. I agree with the acting. Without it, this thread would be 12 pages long ripping the WWL.
  9. spnited

    spnited Active Member

    Burt Hooton, Elias Sosa, Charlie Hough.
  10. Tom Petty

    Tom Petty Guest

    so, who's playing sam bowie's character and wasn't he like 12 when all this took place?
  11. Johnny Dangerously

    Johnny Dangerously Well-Known Member

    True enough, but I also suspect Tommy was milking the visit to the mound for all he could to give the reliever more throws in the bullpen.
  12. DanOregon

    DanOregon Well-Known Member

    Was this the last championship game in the NFL, MLB, or NBA where fans actually stormed the field/court? I miss that.
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