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The Cloud: Do you, or will you, use it?

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by bigpern23, Jun 6, 2011.


The Cloud: Do you, or will you, use it?

  1. Yes, I want to be able to access my files from anywhere.

  2. No, I don't trust the security of it.

  3. Maybe, eventually, I need to know more about it.

  1. maberger

    maberger Member

    for 25 bucks a year you can store all music -- like CDs you ripped yourself.

    i use a couple cloud services, dropbox and evernote. Dropbox is great for files you share with others (like google docs, i suppose) and anything you might email to yourself from one machine to another, and evernote is great for stuff you need like lists or the code to your fropnt door -- single line stuff. i find them both very handy, but i can sxee how the Icloud would dominate them for Apple device users.
  2. Brian

    Brian Well-Known Member

    It's certainly a tool in the toolbox. But hardly the only one. Google docs is great for sharing stuff, backing up stories I write and opening .docx files on my antiquated MAC at work.

    But I'd never completely rely on it.
  3. Stitch

    Stitch Active Member

    Much like external hard drives. I've seen too many short out. Use two or three cloud services, one or two external hard drives, and a couple of DVDs to be extra careful.
  4. TigerVols

    TigerVols Well-Known Member

    I use Google docs and Evernote exclusively for my text programs; Word is just too clunky and troublesome now.

    The iCloud drop-box feature will be fantastic, as will the $29.99 yearly service that automatically replaces all of your current, crappy versions of music (old CDs, etc) with upgraded ones.
  5. Madhavok

    Madhavok Well-Known Member

    Apple is (somewhat) always late to the party. iMessage was introduced today - free texting to iphones - something Blackberry has been doing for what, four or so years now? Maybe there are finally enough iPhones for something like this to be of value as BBM numbers were huge four years ago ?

    No hate on Apple here, BTW. MacBook and iPhone user. Just kinda hate Apple fanboys who think anything Jobs pumps out is the end all.
  6. Johnny Dangerously

    Johnny Dangerously Well-Known Member

    I will not settle. Waiting for 9.0.
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