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The demise of SI

Discussion in 'Journalism topics only' started by apseloser, May 14, 2010.

  1. DanOregon

    DanOregon Well-Known Member

    And lets be honest, does anyone work for a publication that is as good as it once was? This isn't an SI thing.
  2. BTExpress

    BTExpress Well-Known Member

    If you are old like me, you went to the mailbox first thing on Thursdays because there was no place else to go for information like this.

    Today, you could have the EXACT same quality as you (allegedly) had in the 70s, and there would still be no reason to rush to the mailbox.

    For the Record? Old news. Reads like transactions. Week-old transactions.
    19th Hole? Same inane letters and debates we get today.
    The Week in Baseball? Really old news. Phillies went 5-2 the Week of May 11-17. Wonderful. It's May 21 when I'm reading this.
    Preakness? Old news.
    Takeout by Deford? OK . . . I'll get around to it. As soon as a finish my texting and tweeting and padding my Facebook friendships.
  3. Ben_Hecht

    Ben_Hecht Active Member

    It remains a training center. It's a great training surface, nice and safe, like most of the Maryland main tracks are.
  4. Ben_Hecht

    Ben_Hecht Active Member

    Nah. Just installing a plague upon both their houses.
  5. AD

    AD Active Member

    so...if SI sucks so bad, what you do to make it what it was? who would you hire? what would you change?
  6. CR19

    CR19 Member

    It'll never be what it was. To be perfectly honest, the demise of Sports Illustrated can be blamed more upon the modern nature of sports rather than the skills of the current writers. In the old days, athletes were more open to writers. Now, it seems that athletes believe that talking to a writer can hurt more than it can benefit. With millions of dollars involved, most of the best athletes could care less about the sports writer. You could bring in some of the best writers, and I'm not entirely sure if the magazine will return to its best days.
  7. Smasher_Sloan

    Smasher_Sloan Active Member

    This will come as news to the old-timers who had lengthy one-sided conversations with Mickey Mantle's back.
  8. Boomer7

    Boomer7 Active Member

    First, hire some more (or better) copy editors. Quality control has gone to shit in recent years. Ditch the Dan Patrick crap. Those would be two good steps.
  9. ringer

    ringer Active Member

    * Expand the variety of sports covered -- by a LOT.
    * Ditch all the preview issues and put that content online.
    * More humor -- by writers who do humor well (i.e. David Sedaris, Dave Barry...subcontract writers from The Onion if necessary)
    * More investigative pieces
    * More issue-driven pieces -- look at HBO's Real Sports, E:60...
    * Add a point-counterpoint page that has two writers making cogent arguments for/against a current topic (maybe instead of the long essay in the front).

    Just some thoughts
  10. Den1983

    Den1983 Active Member

    Agreed, and ...

    Ditch Selena Roberts.
    Add diversity to the sports you cover.
    90% enterprise.
  11. Smasher_Sloan

    Smasher_Sloan Active Member

    >>>Ditch Selena Roberts.<<<

    So the magazine is going to imrpove by dropping a one-page column that runs in every second or third issue?
  12. Den1983

    Den1983 Active Member

    She must be getting some sort of significant salary, no? Let her go and go after someone else who is more talented and can produce consistently. She's awful.
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