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The Economy

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by TigerVols, May 14, 2020.

  1. Driftwood

    Driftwood Well-Known Member

    I'm not really a Scotch drinker, either, but I went in with some guys to buy a bottle of Johnnie Walker Blue. I think it was about $200 for the bottle. We all essentially got one round from it. It didn't taste any different than Black to me. I personally wouldn't buy any bottle of it, but I have compared the two side by side, and the difference wasn't worth the price.
    Neutral Corner likes this.
  2. Deskgrunt50

    Deskgrunt50 Well-Known Member

    I couldn’t tell you much about good wine or bad. I kinda know scotch, or at least what I like. I find Johnnie Blue pretty great. Black is solid. Some of the high-end stuff I’ve had is pretty tasty to me, but with anything, it’s what you like and that’s all that matters.

    One of my favorite stories: Years ago, nice bar in Manhattan down by Wall Street. Unbelievable whiskey menu. Bartenders extremely knowledgeable, knew stuff about every bottle.

    One on the menu cost $250 a glass. So I asked the bartender what a $250 glass of whiskey tastes like. He said, “It tastes like whiskey. The only people who order it are Wall Street jerkoffs trying to impress a woman or their boys.”

    I liked that bartender.
  3. Machine Head

    Machine Head Well-Known Member

    Oh, wine, it has a history here.

    The sj.com member has lived long and prospered, so all's well:

    Oh sweet mercy.

    If I ever decide to drink a whole bunch of cheap Sangria again, someone please try to tell me BEFOREHAND that wine hangovers are similar to being posessed by the devil.

    You think you've gotten it all out, and you try to hurl, but there's just nothing left..........I think I would have peuked up my large intestine if it wasn't still attatched.

    Webby, Mod, Ida, Gutter........someone........please delete this fuckin' thread post haste.........if I ever see anything about wine again, I will hunt every one of you fuckers down.

    I wish all of you a Happy New Year
    wicked and Neutral Corner like this.
  4. Driftwood

    Driftwood Well-Known Member

    I was in a similar situation where the most expensive bottle they has was something like $175 a glass (it was under 200, I'm sure). The bartender said he'd only ever poured two: one to a kid on his 21st birthday and the other to some guy trying to show off.
    My wife and I are club members of a North Carolina winery where they ship us a package every quarter, and we can stop in once a day for a free glass each if we like. We like the wine. It's about $8 for most, double that for their estate wines. My wife's sister and our brother-in-law won't touch it, and they live 10 miles from the place. They only drink Italian wine.
    Heck, the winery has a bistro. My wife and I stop in, order a reuben and fries and a bottle of the wine that pairs with it, split both, and have a very pleasant experience for $20.
    Neutral Corner and Deskgrunt50 like this.
  5. swingline

    swingline Well-Known Member

    The Seelbach (sp?) hotel in Louisville had 12-to 30-year-old (or 36) Macallan at the bar. I think the 30 cost, like, $300 or more. I stuck with the 12.

    I bought an 18 Macallan to celebrate my divorce, and it was $350. An Oban 16 and an 18 Balvemie made the total cost $700. I haven’t cracked any of them open, but I hope to do so soon.
    FileNotFound likes this.
  6. Brooklyn Bridge

    Brooklyn Bridge Well-Known Member

    A bar I worked at a bar that had a bottle of Louis XII Cognac. Never had a chance to try it, however.
  7. swingline

    swingline Well-Known Member

    I drank in a bar attached to the most expensive restaurant in Jacksonville. A glass of the Louis was ungodly expensive — like damn near $1,000. Never in my life will I taste that.
  8. Hermes

    Hermes Well-Known Member

    It always tickles me that Costco sells Louis XIII. It’s like $3,800 a bottle there.
  9. Deskgrunt50

    Deskgrunt50 Well-Known Member

    I was playing a solo round of golf a few months ago. Paired up with a two-some. Was apparently a higher-end sales rep/client sort of thing. Both very nice guys. Bad golfers but had fun.

    Around the 5th hole, the rep guy pulls a bottle of Macallan 18 out of his cart. I know the $$ it costs. Offered me a pour, which didn’t turn down. Gave me a plastic cup and said hang onto it.

    I was walking, so they got to every tee before me. I was nursing the delicious scotch. Several times I put my glass down on the tee to hit, and I returned to a top-off.

    The bottle was empty by the end of the round and a fantastic time was had by all.
  10. Noholesin1

    Noholesin1 Active Member

    The markets for 2023:

    DJIA: up 13+ percent
    NASDAQ: up 43+ percent
    S&P 500: up 25+ percent

    People are expecting interest rates to fall in '24 and the housing market to see a big upturn; expect the GOP to say, "They're doing this just to screw us."
    maumann likes this.
  11. micropolitan guy

    micropolitan guy Well-Known Member

    To each his own. My $2 bottle of Banquet poured into a frosted pint glass at my go-to bar tastes plenty good. Three hours, three beers, a $6 bar bill and a $4 tip for the bartender. I'm a senior living on a fixed income. ;)
    Deskgrunt50 and Neutral Corner like this.
  12. Neutral Corner

    Neutral Corner Well-Known Member

    Such a deal!
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