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The Economy

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by TigerVols, May 14, 2020.

  1. swingline

    swingline Well-Known Member

    Does it have a compass in the stock?
    OscarMadison likes this.
  2. Mr._Graybeard

    Mr._Graybeard Well-Known Member

    The CEO of Tractor Supply is Hal Lawton. He wrote a couple of op-eds in the Tennessean this year, according to Wikipedia: "Lawton was a guest columnist in The Tennessean on April 7, 2021, with "How Tractor Supply Company is helping vaccinate rural American against COVID-19"[25] Lawton wrote an Op-Ed in The Tennessean on October 20, 2021, with "Why businesses should follow Tractor Supply’s push for diversity, inclusion, and climate change prevention"[26]"

    I make a point of patronizing my local TSC quite often.
  3. Neutral Corner

    Neutral Corner Well-Known Member

    I had read that a number of the rural feed stores were doing something similar. They pretty much know who usually comes in buying horse stuff. If it's the first time they've seen you and your first purchase is ivermectin, you're liable to get some pointed horse questions before you can get it.
    OscarMadison likes this.
  4. 2muchcoffeeman

    2muchcoffeeman Well-Known Member

    And a sundial.
    OscarMadison likes this.
  5. Baron Scicluna

    Baron Scicluna Well-Known Member

    Also known as That Fucking Guy.
    OscarMadison likes this.
  6. Twirling Time

    Twirling Time Well-Known Member

    maumann and OscarMadison like this.
  7. garrow

    garrow Well-Known Member

    Well, that's just like your opinion, man.

  8. The Big Ragu

    The Big Ragu Moderator Staff Member

    Here's the extended graph of that shipping container index.


    Gives a little different perspective, doesn't it? Prices are up something like 250 percent compared to the same week in 2020.

    Shipping costs elevated so quickly and violently, that yeah, they were predictably going to overshoot, especially on holiday inventory panic, and then flounce around at extreme levels. But we still have a huge demand side problem because of what our monetary mandarins have done (and are continuing to do, even as prices are starting to really hurt poor people). And until that gets fixed -- and people aren't going to like what it takes to fix it -- I am afraid this is not going to prove as transitory as some of the wishful thinking analysis wants to believe.
  9. Twirling Time

    Twirling Time Well-Known Member

    I think once we put Christmas behind us, the biggest of the pig will have passed through the snake and we should start to see some relief at the ports. That doesn't solve the issue of ground transport or tight labor, of course, but it will help greatly.
    OscarMadison likes this.
  10. TigerVols

    TigerVols Well-Known Member

    Target and WalMart both reported double-digit increases in inventory over this time last year.
  11. maumann

    maumann Well-Known Member

    I have only empirical evidence, but I've definitely seen a significant uptick in the number and size of container trains on the BNSF-Union Pacific continental intermodal routes between Oakland/Los Angeles/Long Beach and Chicago, particularly in the past month. It's not only transoceanic containers, but a ton of interstate stuff (J.B. Hunt, UPS, FedEx, Amazon) going both directions.

    I don't know about the East Coast because there aren't as many cameras to see what CSX and Norfolk Southern are doing.

    Yeah, I admit I watch train cams on YouTube for fun.
  12. Brooklyn Bridge

    Brooklyn Bridge Well-Known Member

    The truck driver shortage is ongoing and started well before Covid.
    Hermes likes this.
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