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The exact moment that Jason Whitlock stopped mattering

Discussion in 'Journalism topics only' started by Thrilla_in_Vanilla, Sep 24, 2020.

  1. SixToe

    SixToe Well-Known Member

    It's always interesting to hear the "they're big guv'amint givin' money to everyone socialist commies" folks making qualifications and excuses for their Medicaid, Medicare, SS money, relief money after a natural disaster, the covid stim check(s) and whatnot.

    They always have a reason. They never return any of that, or give it away. Yet they can't stand the hated guv'amint programs.
    tapintoamerica likes this.
  2. BYH 2: Electric Boogaloo

    BYH 2: Electric Boogaloo Well-Known Member

    Funny that they were insistent us anti-Trumpers should give back the stimulus checks he had to be forced to provide after he allowed the pandemic to crash ashore. You guys first!
  3. SixToe

    SixToe Well-Known Member

    No, you first!

    No, you first!

    I don't wanna!

    I've paid enough so I neet'a get something back!

    You first!
  4. Octave

    Octave Well-Known Member

    Jason says he's never voted and yet he's out commentating on this every day - when it fits it fits.
  5. goalmouth

    goalmouth Well-Known Member


    Rhymes with laughing stock.
  6. Mr. X

    Mr. X Active Member

    What is his explanation for never voting?
  7. Octave

    Octave Well-Known Member

    I was wondering that myself.

    He's just a numbnuts who never took interest in any of this until he saw others making money off it.
  8. Pilot

    Pilot Well-Known Member

    It’s amazing that he’s never voted. He’s been pretending to be right wing for long enough that this thread pre-dates the 2020 election. And he obviously fancied himself a premier voice on American social issue for far longer than that, at least another 10 years.

    That’s a weird niche to carve out for so long while never caring enough to at least make a show of voting.
  9. tapintoamerica

    tapintoamerica Well-Known Member

    He has figured out that nobody in any reputable organization will hire him. So he says whatever he needs to say — including pretending to be an evangelical Christian— in order to get noticed and perhaps paid. Even Clay Trumpist whacked him. But there’s money to be made in being a Black man who appeals to white bigots by disparaging Black people. He’s like the Lt. Gov of North Carolina.
    2muchcoffeeman likes this.
  10. Songbird

    Songbird Well-Known Member

    He's a loser if he's never voted. Fake ass douchebag.
  11. SixToe

    SixToe Well-Known Member

    I can't imagine not voting.

    I know the U.S. isn't perfect by any stretch, and the election process is warty.

    But to just not to, and shrug, and maybe say, "Doesn't matter, it's all rigged and already decided so eff 'em all" just doesn't compute with me.

    I've voted for almost 40 years, missing only a few times. Sometimes my candidate lost, sometimes he or she won. That's just part of it. Election discord has been going on for 240ish years.
  12. swingline

    swingline Well-Known Member

    Oh, no. He’s a real douchebag.
    wicked and 2muchcoffeeman like this.
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