His voice inflection and tone remain the same in every movie. He does a good job playing himself doing a character.
"My grandpa died in World War II" "In battle?" "No, he was skiing in Vermont, during World War II" Something to that effect. I may have butchered that to no end, but that scene - or something along it, haha - had me cracking up.
My wife and I saw this yesterday and were just spitballing quotes back and forth on the phone. What a great movie. "He's a re-TARD." "They gave out rings in the Holocaust?" "Ever seen a baby do that?"
Just saw it Saturday night, which was strange because I can't remember the last time I saw a comedy at the theater, I usually go for horror or suspense. I thought it was a riot, though and particularly like Stu (not a doctor, just a dentist). The ending was predictable, but it was definitely a funny flick. I am a Ferrell fan though, and loved Anchorman much more than say, Knocked Up. And the prayers to baby Jesus in Talladega Nights cracked me up. I'd have to say I don't think Hangover topped Something About Mary, but I definitely laughed and was shocked and it was worth going to the theater for.
I've heard lots of comments about people laughing until they cried. It wasn't THAT funny. The pictures in the credits were priceless though. And Stu singing at the piano while they're waiting for the drugs to affect the tiger was pretty damn funny.
Dear 8-pound, 4-ounce Baby Jesus, watching your Baby Einstein videos, learning about shapes and colors ...
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