Anyone who thinks Will Ferrell is funny should be banned. Vince Vaughn looks multidimensional next to him. The Hangover blows away anything those two clowns did.
I think Ferrell is funny. It's been nice knowing all of you, but apparently I am going to be banned now. I'll take a gin and tonic with extra lime, newb.
Saw a repeat of Letterman last night with Zach G. He's was really funny. It was just before the movie opened. A The extremely hot Jessica Biel was also pimping some movie "Easy Virtue" that looked like a one week in the theaters flick, then off to DVD.
Caught a matinée today. Funny flick, but another in a long line of "funniest movie EVAR!" candidates that left me wondering if we saw the same movie. IMHO, Superbad, Pineapple Express, Anchorman et al are okay, but like this one are not the epitome of fall-down, piss-your-pants funny. Hangover, at least had more moments than most, tho. The Chinese guy springing from the trunk, the security tape at the Tyson home, "Carlos! Not at the table!" and end credits photos were high-points for me.
I loved the Tyson scene. He's so stern and pissed off, and then this (paraphrasing): Tyson: Where did you get the cop car? Ed Helms: We stole it from some stupid cop. Tyson (grinning): Niiiiiiice.