I just saw this today. As I've said on other threads, I tend to be slow on movies. I see 'em when they get around to HBO. Funny fuckin stuff. I was in or right at tears more than once. I put it right up there with Old School as funniest of the last decade or so.
I'll keep this one going. The plot of the second one is that they all go to Thailand and Mel Gibson makes a cameo as a tattoo artist.
Gibson's out. http://www.avclub.com/articles/mel-gibson-will-not-get-the-chance-to-make-you-fal,46685/ Liam Neeson to play the part, but that's just a rumor.
I heard that Galifanakis, who is Jewish, had a problem with Gibson. I thought Gibson had replaced Neeson, but I might have heard that wrong.
I sometimes wonder about these rumors you post, but how funny would that be if Gibson has fallen far enough that Galifanakis can get him booted off a movie, even just a cameo?
Technically, Tyson had a "cameo" in the first movie, and it was much bigger than your average cameo. I'm guessing Gibson's cameo was going to go the same rout.
A well-known reporter here in SoCal is a buddy of mine and he interviewed Zack and the director (who are also involved with Due Date) and on the record they were a bit mealy-mouthed about getting Gibson fired; off the record, they indicated Gibson was cast by a studio exec over the heads of the movie's crew; when the director and Zack found out about it, they went apeshit and had Gibson fired.