I feel the same about Anchorman as others here do ... funnier on repeat viewings. Probably my favorite comedy Farrell has done. Not my favorite Farrell movie though ... that belongs to Stranger Than Fiction. Incredible performance by someone you wouldn't think could do drama.
I drove by a Mercedes like the one in the movie (different color) today and laughed for a good 30 seconds.
great movie, has to be put to the top of the list for great comedies. "This isn't Doug, he black, our Doug is white" the rain man scenes were too funny
Hangover made $43 million this weekend, more than twice than the monster-budget Land of the Lost... Since no one in this movie is a big star (yet), I'm guessing there will be a Hangover 2 within the next 24 months.
Saw it last night. My wife loved it more than anything ever. I liked it a lot, about as much as Superbad. Not as much as Forgetting Sarah Marshall or Zack and Miri....just one man's opinion. Having said that, I can't wait until it comes out on DVD.