if you've seen the trailer, you've seen the spoilers. And it doesn't matter; it's that funny, even if you know where the jokes are.
Not even remotely close to being true... It would have been nice if they had kept the Tyson cameo a secret, but such is life... I am usually a very harsh critic of comedies, but I laughed almost non-stop though this one.
I still liked Old School better than the Hangover, but I've never laughed harder in a movie theater than I did the first time I watched American Pie.
Warner Bros asked the director and writer to start working on a script back in early April: http://www.variety.com/article/VR1118002135.html?categoryid=13&cs=1
Step Brothers was a piece of shit. Never saw Semi Pro, because I'm guessing it was just like Talladega Nights, and said figure skating flick. What do I want him to do? I dunno. Maybe not make the same movie six times in a row. That'd be a start. Saw Hangover on Sunday. In terms of first-viewing quality, I'd rank it below Superbad and Tropic Thunder. Still enjoyed the hell out of it. Don't know who fat Jesus was, but he was fantastic. Especially the interplay with the baby.
Here's a recent story on him in the NY Times: http://www.nytimes.com/2009/05/31/magazine/31Galifianakis-t.html?scp=4&sq=zach%20galif&st=cse
My friend praised the movie. He damned the studio for putting all the good stuff in the trailers and killing laughs at its own movie.