Well, sadly for Ferrel then, his 12-year-old character, dumb redneck character and ELF character are the same as his 40-year-old Anchorman character. It's the same schtick. Every character is the same way in the fact that Ferrel is going to act like a child in some sense of the movie. In Talladega Nights - He ran around screaming saying "save me baby jesus." In step brothers he was a pure retard. The movie was incredibly over the top, the plot was solid, but the execution was not there, they could have been so much more funny. Cal Naughton Jr. -- whatever his real name is... is not funny. Sorry. I guess my main beef with Ferrel is step brothers. If they would have made that movie 15 years ago with Chris Farley and David Spade it would have been 10x funnier.
To quote the man himself in Anchorman, when arguing about whether or not "San Diego" is indeed German for "a whale's vagina:" Agree to Disagree. And ... let me get this straight ... you're complaining about one-note acting on one hand ... and then clamoring for Farley and Spade on the other? I'm as big a Farley fan as there is/was ... but you can't tell me he didn't play the same character in every movie, too. Tommy Boy, Tommy Boy II, Tommy Boy Goes West in the 1800s.
Farley had a few more clubs in his bag. Honestly, if Ferrell can do one (1) comedy where he manages to keep his shirt and pants on and his voice at a normal pitch, he might have a chance of winning over some of his critics.
I don't think he really cares. Seems to be doing OK for himself. Did he really run around nude in Anchorman? Because I don't remember that part.
I haven't seen The Hangover yet, but so many people thought Wedding Crashers was great?? I thought the first 45 minutes were hilarious but after that it really dropped off.
There are hundreds of chopless actors in Hollywood who are doing more than OK for themselves. Brittney Spears is doing OK for herself. And that's all fine, but being taken seriously is another matter.