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The "Homer" sports writer

Discussion in 'Journalism topics only' started by Your Huckleberry, Feb 16, 2008.

  1. spikechiquet

    spikechiquet Well-Known Member

    I actually wrote him a responce back mentioning how they are the only school in the county with a swim team. Their "rivals" in their "conference" are 40-50 miles away in the closest terms, and, no one gives two shits other than mommy and daddy to open the paper to see how Jimmy did in the 50 Fly. I then told him that people read the sports section in late Feb/all of March for BASKETBALL!!!
    Then I deleted that, and wrote: "Thanks for writing. We'll take that into consideration."

    Made me feel better.
  2. Tom Petty

    Tom Petty Guest


    if i actually would have accomplished something every time i've written and then deleted an e-mail, i'd be working with ace at the plain dealer.
  3. I will gladly admit I've accepted t-shirts and hats and stuff like that. They've been offered so many times, I'd rather just accept them than be an ass and say I don't want them. What I do with them, though, is give them to people who will want them and wear them --- fans of the team that are friends of mine or at least I'm familiar with.

    As for free food. To heck with that. They want to feed me, fine. I'm eating their free food, especially if it's good. I don't make enough money in this business not to take advantage of a few of the free courtesies offered by schools, conferences, banquets, etc.

    You guys can ride your high horse all you want but I'm like Dave Chapelle and "I'm keeping it Real until Keeping it Real Goes Bad." Luckily I havent had an experience where it went bad on me.

    And to hell with paying for parking. Have never done it and never will. I'll walk a mile before I pay to park to work. That's straight up BS.
  4. statrat

    statrat Member

    I got a damn ticket for parking without some recreation permit while working on an outdoors story the other day. Despite having "Media" signs and my credentials clearly displayed. The local cops will be getting a letter about that one.
  5. Bob Slydell

    Bob Slydell Active Member

    I'm a big fan of the slaughter rule.
  6. Tom Petty

    Tom Petty Guest

    i loved slaughter.
  7. mike311gd

    mike311gd Active Member


    Me, too.
  8. Tom Petty

    Tom Petty Guest

  9. inkstained

    inkstained New Member

    No high horse here. I've taken the garb, eaten the grub and gladly accepted the choice parking. Just wondering where the line is drawn for someone who bitches about others taking free shirts and stuff. Bottom line, 99 percent of us are getting something free in one way or another.
  10. Tom Petty

    Tom Petty Guest

    i don't mind the freebies, either. but shit, i don't qualify it by saying everyone else is jumping off a bridge.
  11. mike311gd

    mike311gd Active Member

    What are almost all of us getting for free? Admission to games? Because I'm not sure that's accepting something. Would a banker call crossing that velvet rope accepting a gift? I equate going to a baseball or basketball game like going to the office. It's a perk, sure, and it's still fun to tell my friends I've got access into the clubhouse, but I'm working my ass off when I'm there. So I don't consider that accepting a gift.
  12. Diabeetus

    Diabeetus Active Member

    I'll take food only when I'm there for a long period of time and don't have a break to go get my own. Like a day covering division I football. But otherwise, I'll bring something along that ties me over or make a PB&J. The parking is at a remote lot free for anybody with credentials or at a high school that doesn't charge. I've never accepted any physical gifts and/or gone on any trips paid for by teams. Paying your way isn't too difficult.
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