Some did, and I respect the reasons they made their decision ... I was just pointing out the reason at least one (semi-large) church chose to obey the order. Although it seems hypocritical that one can go to a bar to watch a game among friends, but not in that bastion of iniquity known as a church (where, to be honest, I don't view it as "going to church to watch football," but an opportunity to enjoy something with a few friends.
Blame the legal profession for the church crackdown. You can't protect your rights with selective enforcement. There was a story a few years ago about how big, mean MLB wasn't letting Little League teams use its names like Cardinals and Red Sox. Let's say MLB looks the other way so the Moddy Little League can use those names. So some guy prints up millions of t-shirts and jackets with the Cardinals and Red Sox logos. He doesn't have a license, doesn't pay MLB a dime for the rights. So they bust him....except he says, "It's not the <i>St. Louis</i> Cardinals and <i>Boston</i> Red's the <i>Moddy Little League</i> Cardinals and Red Sox. To avoid that kind of thing, they crack down on everyone. It's just business in an increasingly litigious world.
Another reason they don't allow the mass viewings is that those groups aren't counted in the Nielsen ratings. The NFL wants to make sure CBS gets its share as well.