The sad thing about it is, I don't even know if I care anymore. It was fine. I was interested enough. My only major complaint was the scene where the Others shot the walkie talkie out of Kate's hand. That was so stupid, I was hoping Sawyer would say, "How about a round of applause for "The Waco Kid"?" I will watch this show to the end, because I want to see how it gets out of this ridiculous corner its painted itself into, but this entire "Jack-Kate-Sawyer are trapped with The Others!" plot line has bored me to tears.
I'm with Double Down. In my TV universe it's gone from "Can't wait for the next episode" to "Is there anything else on?". But like DD, I want to see how they unravel this mess.
Well, I was guessing more people wouldn't know who I was talking about if I referred to him by the character's actual name. And yeah, I'm the only guy who watches Gray's Anatomy.
amen. no one can hit a full-sized person standing 15 feet away, but suddenly they can nail a walkie talkie? why is it that henchmen are always such bad shots? wouldn't being able to handle a gun be a prerequisite for a career in henchmanship?
Nail a walkie-talkie from 50 yards away and hitting it just right so the bullet doesn't go into Kate's hand.
... and yet not being able to hit her or Sawyer will a boxful of rounds during the chase that preceded that.
Sawyer didn't hit squat either. He even had an open shot on the one guy who didn't know he was there and missed twice.
Guess we know how Sun was miraculously knocked up. Also, doesn't the guy who hired Juliet have the same last name as one of the doctors on Grey's (either the guy who hates gays or the venerable older one)?
I think that if you don't fail marksmanship, you're not allowed to graduate from Henchmen University. It's a strange quirk, but the venerable school has been turning out quality henchmen for close to a century now, so it's hard to criticize their methods.
I was a HUGE Lost fan through seasons 1 and 2 ... I'm starting to lose interest now. I like Juliet and all. I'm just annoyed that we STILL haven't heard anything from Claire, Charlie, Hurley, etc.
I'm still addicted -- not hooked, mind you, but addicted. I need my hour every week. I need to escape to the island(s). I need to find out what's going to happen. But in all, I just can't bring myself to care as much as I once did. I will not watch episodes two or three times. I will not rewind, looking for clues. I will not write massive and ridiculous recaps on this board. And I will not let this show precede other Wednesday-night activity. Five months ago, I still really cared. Now? I just hope it turns out better than "Twin Peaks."