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The simplicity of sports

Discussion in 'Journalism topics only' started by JayFarrar, Sep 4, 2006.

  1. daemon

    daemon Well-Known Member

    First, the defensiveness of many in this thread is humorous. Just relax, take the chip off of your shoulder and listen to what Mr. Farrar is saying.

    I was having this conversation the other day with a friend/colleague. I don't think I could ever handle
    another newspaper job outside of sports for many of the same reasons the original post indicated.

    As writers, we are in a weird position of always looking from the outside in. It is our job, and in many of our cases, our psychological make-up. We are always the outsider, the observer. Sometimes it gets frustrating: I've lost a lot of my pure love of the game. Even when I am off the clock, I can no longer go to a game and cheer. I have no interest in paying money to go to a baseball game, or a football game, or any other sporting event. I watch SportsCenter for professional reasons.

    Sometimes I wish I could be like 95 percent of the world and use sports as an outlet. It's times like these that I play around with the thought of switching to a job outside of sports. There is so much about a job covering sports that is mundane, so much that causes you to check yourself and ask, 'Does any of this really matter?'

    But then I put myself in another set of shoes, and I realize that I'd much rather be jaded about sports than jaded about life. And I think that is what Mr. Farrar is getting at. When you cover real-life news for a living, you look at real-life the same way I look at sports: from the outside looking in; as an outsider, as an observer. At least in sports we get to compartmentalize that. In news, everything about life is a possible story. In sports, it is only a possible story if it involved a ball or a bat. In news, everywhere you go, everything you do, is a possible story. In sports, most of the time, you are safe outside of an arena or a stadium.

    I love my job, I attack it with the same sincerity as my news side colleagues and friends. But it is an inherently different job than the one Mr. Farrar holds. And I think that is what he was pointing out. And everytime I feel like sports are a drag, I remind myself: I'd rather sports be a drag than life itself.
  2. awriter

    awriter Active Member

    We are? That's news to me. I never realized the locker room was such a welcoming environment.
  3. shotglass

    shotglass Guest

    You're ... not ... getting ... it.

    You don't have it that bad.
  4. Cosmo

    Cosmo Well-Known Member

    There's a middle ground to this argument. Shot's right. Most of us are missing it.

    I can empathize with where Jay's coming from without having the knee-jerk "you're making fun of our profession!" argument. He's really not shitting on SJ. He's just venting. It's OK.

  5. expendable

    expendable Well-Known Member

    Pepsi, meet monitor.
  6. Claws for Concern

    Claws for Concern Active Member

    I've read every post on this board and I see what both sides are ... :) :-[

    and it makes me want to do this ... ::)
  7. awriter

    awriter Active Member

    I never meant to infer that we have it bad. Yeah, we're not putting our lives at risk, like a war reporter, but our jobs are not a breeze, either.
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